I know you can find deer mt Thomas but is there any other decent deer hunting spots In Canterbury?
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I know you can find deer mt Thomas but is there any other decent deer hunting spots In Canterbury?
Yeah mate there are deer everywhere in Canterbury. Get the boots on and go look.
I'm quite new to hunting and was wondering if anyone could tell me some deer hunting areas in Canterbury
willowbank has some nice animals
No one is going to tell you their hunting spots. Get on the DoC website and look at the hunting areas that are listed. My best advice is hunt the upper bush edge for an hour after daylight and about 3 hours before darkness. Get a good pair of binoculars sit down and glass. After a few trips you will find a spot with deer.
What are you doing early next week buddy? It's a bit of a no no in hunting circles to just go asking blokes where all the animals are but I'm sure with a bit of legwork and maybe some guidance you will start finding them yourself.
They're all in real hard to get places, and they're all scrawny with rubbish heads;):thumbsup:
As said above, they're around, try looking in places that look good. Had to jump on the brakes the other morning because there were 2 on the road.........
Don't even need to put your boots on , just drive on the road !:-)
@cdouglas how about a bit of an intro of yourself to this great forum. Coming in with a direct question like your 1st post, I'm surprised there's only one WTF response.
Tell us a bit of guff, what sort of smoke stick have you got & what sort of hunting have you done so far laddy.....
Yep, I'd give up now if I were you cdouglas.
As the others have stated, you'll get crucified if you ask that kind of question here - or anywhere online. We've all been there and we all appreciate your situation but at the end of the day there is no substitute for getting out there and looking. It's a necessary part of the game... a game where there is no substitute for experience... and you can't get experience sitting on the couch. It takes years to accumulate the knowledge you need to be successful, so best you start by walking out the back door.
As Otaku implied, the deer are where you find them... and you can find them everywhere.
I sincerely wish you good luck. You're joining an honourable recreation.
You are bloody kidding right? Would you like a grid reference maybe? You find a good spot you make sure you post it up here so we can go shoot it out from under you, ok with you?
I cant take this seriously, Canterbury is over run with deer, do some leg work yah lazy bastard
You don't even need a gun I here because of all the shaking of late there all lying out cast ready to be vacuumed packed for the ride home to the fridge:thumbsup:
Spring grass near a bush edge is where you find them,1st and last hour of day light.
Not just Canterbury... I saw over a dozen driving home from hunting last weekend; that's on top of what I saw hunting!
But in response to the original question. There's never been, in my lifetime, as many deer as there is today. Hunting isn't like a video game, you can't just turn it on and get stuck in... you need to do some leg work!
I'd start up any of the APNP rivers, walk up set up a fly camp and hunt the creeks. Should be some growth about and where's there's tucker there's deer.
My personal method is to find feed and then glass. Deer move around and are hard to see sometimes, don't give in; look, look and look some more. They appear out of no where, usually just as it's getting dark. You can't buy 30 years of experience and you can't learn it via the internet, just get out there and be patient.
As I've said here many times, every deer you shoot gets easier.
Have you joined the local NZDA branch? Always a great start...
And good luck.
Heaps of green stuff now this season.
NZDA in chch has trips most mths.
A lot of flak for what may have been an honest question :) I can't help with specific spots down there but I would suggest the spot x book. It is a fantastic resource for someone starting out.
As craigc mentioned above, it's a great time to be a deer hunter. These are the golden years! Get amongst it
Every author is allowed a private joke or two :)
Park up at the waimakiriri bridge on the canty side and head up the true right past turkey flat. Take some bino's get the wind right and you'll see some deer.
Ok, now all we're gonna get is gunfight at the Anti Crow corral.........
Race ya there!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Seriously there's some shit attitudes on here. Pay it forward. Not the best way to ask agreed. If you can't shoot a deer at this time of year in this day and age with so many around then best take up dress making or patch work or something. Myself and another forum member took a fella out from here 2 years or so back. Not wanting to take him to any of my regular spots I looked at the topo map found a likely looking river flat a few hours walk from a road end and guess what ? We returned with venison.
Shit attitudes? How so? If someone wants to come on here and ask for some tips or someone to take them under their wing then that's all and well but there's too many first time posters that basically expect GPS co ords for where they can find a deer. Let's pretend there is no internet, so you walk into a local watering hole and rock up to the first likely looking fella and ask them "where can I shoot a deer?" ... you're gonna get told where to go (not where the deer are!) Really the proper way to do it would be to introduce yourself, start up some conversation, and approach the subject with some form of tact. I offered to take the author of this thread out and have not heard back as much as a peep.
I agree with Nathan F, no need to get precious about giving advice. Ryan you must drink at the wrong pubs.
The thing I have found in over a decade of various NZ hunting forum usage, is that they often don't take your advice anyway. I fact I have two forum members that regularly message me now about places, and I give honest and accurate info to them because A. They probably won't go there anyway, just look at in on Google Earth, and B, because they don't get out to these places they don't develop the required skills to make a trip to these places productive.
Let the info flow, if it gets someone off the couch and into the bush then it's a positive outcome.
Maybe @Pointer and @Nathan F, you guys could start your own thread " Pointer and Nate's Top secret deer hunting spots" you know, throw a few GPS co ordinates up for the blokes that are too lazy to get out there and take a look, I might even be keen to tag along on one of these hunts and pull the trigger for them too
Ask anyone that knows me, I'm happy to share. If I knew Canty I'd post some :)
I've shown a few people the exact location on maps where I shoot a few deer in canterbury.When Ive caught up with them at a later date and asked how they got on,the usual reply is that it was too hard a walk so couldn't be bothered.
Hey mate, not everyone had the same start out in life for hunting, ie no one to show them the ropes. Best thing to do is get out and cover some miles. Tip for you is to search the hunting reports forum here as some of the pics are a dead give away and second of all find some good dudes to talk to about hunting spots, some think you dill dally about actually going there and hunting, some realise they dont have the same time as them to sink into it :)
Main thing is to get out there and do it.