I know you can find deer mt Thomas but is there any other decent deer hunting spots In Canterbury?
I know you can find deer mt Thomas but is there any other decent deer hunting spots In Canterbury?
Yeah mate there are deer everywhere in Canterbury. Get the boots on and go look.
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
I'm quite new to hunting and was wondering if anyone could tell me some deer hunting areas in Canterbury
No one is going to tell you their hunting spots. Get on the DoC website and look at the hunting areas that are listed. My best advice is hunt the upper bush edge for an hour after daylight and about 3 hours before darkness. Get a good pair of binoculars sit down and glass. After a few trips you will find a spot with deer.
What are you doing early next week buddy? It's a bit of a no no in hunting circles to just go asking blokes where all the animals are but I'm sure with a bit of legwork and maybe some guidance you will start finding them yourself.
They're all in real hard to get places, and they're all scrawny with rubbish heads
As said above, they're around, try looking in places that look good. Had to jump on the brakes the other morning because there were 2 on the road.........
Don't even need to put your boots on , just drive on the road !:-)
Yep, I'd give up now if I were you cdouglas.
As the others have stated, you'll get crucified if you ask that kind of question here - or anywhere online. We've all been there and we all appreciate your situation but at the end of the day there is no substitute for getting out there and looking. It's a necessary part of the game... a game where there is no substitute for experience... and you can't get experience sitting on the couch. It takes years to accumulate the knowledge you need to be successful, so best you start by walking out the back door.
As Otaku implied, the deer are where you find them... and you can find them everywhere.
I sincerely wish you good luck. You're joining an honourable recreation.
@cdouglas how about a bit of an intro of yourself to this great forum. Coming in with a direct question like your 1st post, I'm surprised there's only one WTF response.
Tell us a bit of guff, what sort of smoke stick have you got & what sort of hunting have you done so far laddy.....
You are bloody kidding right? Would you like a grid reference maybe? You find a good spot you make sure you post it up here so we can go shoot it out from under you, ok with you?
I cant take this seriously, Canterbury is over run with deer, do some leg work yah lazy bastard
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.