Couple mates have just reported a chopper shooting deer in an Otago doc block in same gully they are hunting. Stags roaring also, so has really fucked there trip. Why do they do this at this time of year?!?
Couple mates have just reported a chopper shooting deer in an Otago doc block in same gully they are hunting. Stags roaring also, so has really fucked there trip. Why do they do this at this time of year?!?
Last edited by H.M; 17-03-2022 at 09:04 AM.
Got to remember it's their job/income and recreational hunters are a hassle to them. There are specific dates they cannot hunt doc land during the roar period though. It's a bit crap no matter which way you look at it.
By the way Doc want to change the no WARO time frame to 29th March till 15th April by memory.
Its just shit they have video of them pretty much flying over top of them and dropping into gully and few hundred metres below them and shooting. They would have seen the boys there for sure. Its Alpine Helicopters. I understand making a living but not at this time of year when hunters are in the hills. Health and safety must come into this too. Just poor form from them yet again!
For anyone thinking they are well before the roar, stags roar early in there, now until end of the month is prime. Its a massive block, i am sure they would have seen the orange tent and could have gone elsewhere. Just a shame.
How does health and safety come into this?
I am unsure if you have been in the situation where a chopper is shooting the same block/catchment as you, Its pretty un nerving trust me, when they apparently do not know you are there.
Spent time in the shooters seat and had hunts ruined by choppers
Yeah I’m really not sure. I have a lot to do with the H&S for the electrical company I work for and there is a hell of a lot of hoops to jump through so I suspect adding in a helicopter and some firearms and that would add to the paperwork significantly
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Weather and season dictate where to hunt, too dynamic for public notice.
Moralities aside, have they operated outside of their concession?
I get you’re venting, but you’re frustration should be aimed at DOC rather than the operator.
DOC are inviting submissions currently on WARO.
Don’t recall any legitimate near misses in the last 60 years aerial recovery has been undertaken.
Not saying it’s never happened, just that if it was a genuine issue it would have presented by now.
If it can happen, it will happen.
The numbers of people out there hunting must be on the rise, and likewise the chopper operators.
Surely the slim chances of an airborne shooter sending a shot into a dangerous direction can only be increasing.
One day, it will be in the headlines I am sure. Just how soon?
Use enough gun
There is still the issue of it being rude (not to mention potentially dangerous) for an airborne shooter to be operating above public land where anyone can be shooting.
If the chopper guys and the ground guys are both allowed to hunt the same spot at the same time then there is a problem.
Surely Doc can organise it a bit better.
I might be a little bias against anything associated with Doc, so if I am being a bit ignorant, then that is why.
Use enough gun