Yes that is a conspiracy theory.
This is the scientific understanding:
Originally there was scrapie which affected sheep.
But in the UK cows were fed extra protein including from sheep carcases. Then the treatment process for animal feeds was changed and allowed more infectivity through. Plus they used down cow carcasses going into the feed ... Sounds obvious in hindsight. So the scrapie prion adapted to cows and became mad cow disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) which exploded in UK cattle due to amplification from feeding dead cows to live ones.
A few cases were transmitted to humans and called variant CJD ( affects people a bit differently that the usual Creutzfeld Jakob Disease which occurs spontaneously about 1: million per year and mostly in people over 70. It was very rate but it could be transmitted by blood transfusion.
They changed the cattle feedcprocess somehow and put the kibosh on BSE. Over the last 20 yr cases of vCJD in humans have fallen away to almost zero. Thats why we are allowing people whove lived in the UK to donate blood again.
Anyone whod like references for this info, send me a PM.
Im surprised if any real deer urine could be imported into NZ but stranger stuff has happened. ( like raw pork )
Thanks new person @HuntaClimbsHigh
And @Barrythehunter . CWD would be real bad for hunting in NZ as control would make 1080 for TB look namby pamby by comparison.