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Thread: Chronic Wasting Disease Threat to NZ(CWD)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Unhappy Chronic Wasting Disease Threat to NZ(CWD)

    Hey Guys,

    Anyone heard about CWD overseas? This disease is very serious, should it enter NZ and get established then hunting as we all know it will be forever changed….. highly infectious deer dishes, with no cure and they always die. Brain disease that can survive in the ground for 20years. And the only method to clean all hunting gear is full soak in bleach for 5min.

    I’m really concerned, whilst MPI don’t allow live deer, semen, velvet and other possibly urine based scent into NZ. Visitors can declare and just enter the country. The protein called a prion can bind to metal, clothing and boots, being resistant to heat, steam and most common disentfectants which means it’s just a matter of time before it enters NZ.

    Probably must be low given it’s. Not here, yet with it rampant through States. Hence the number of overseas hunters and NZs returning from CWD areas keeps increasing. And so does the risk of it getting through.

    I’ll upload links and files to ensure fact based information is getting out. Without the public being aware, then MPI will not address the lack of detailed cleaning information currently listed on their website regarding CWD.

    I love hunting, been doing it for 25years and want all NZs to keep enjoying this recreation and way of life long after I am gone….
    Juicy likes this.

  2. #2
    BSA is offline
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    Predominant in the US. Seasonal hunting and they feed out for their deer with corn etc. A very good possibility it was introduced by human interaction perhaps given genetic modification of crops is rampant there. Just a theory.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    Where ever anything has turned to shit on this planet theres a human involved
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    First post eh
    Carbine, MB, woods223 and 4 others like this.

  5. #5
    STC is offline
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    Sure the "conservationists" would love an opportunity to "have to ban" hunting due to human risk and be "forced" to spend more money (some of it into their pockets, some of it into their friends) on poison drops.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Gisborne Rural
    Its already here in humans about one hundred thousand have it
    More chance of getting foot and mouth here
    chainsaw likes this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    New Plymouth
    If you are a hunter or tramper entering New Zealand from overseas:

    thoroughly clean all tramping, hunting and camping equipment, including footwear
    purchase equipment in New Zealand or get a hunting guide to supply the equipment you need
    don't use urine based deer attractants – they are an illegal import
    declare hunting and outdoor equipment on your arrival card
    declare any trophies or skins coming into New Zealand.
    Our biosecurity border staff are serious about preventing pests and disease from entering New Zealand. If you bring in dirty tramping and hunting gear or illegal imports you are likely to experience lengthy delays at the border, cleaning costs and infringement fines. Save yourself the hassle!

    so looks like some good info out there
    7mmwsm likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by BSA View Post
    Predominant in the US. Seasonal hunting and they feed out for their deer with corn etc. A very good possibility it was introduced by human interaction perhaps given genetic modification of crops is rampant there. Just a theory.
    Prion based disease is a well known thing. we have mad cow, kuru disease, scrapie. all of which have been documented from times when genetic engineering meant you were good with your hands like your dad. Don't spread that BS here.
    Jhon, Hyllest, MarkN and 1 others like this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BSA View Post
    Predominant in the US. Seasonal hunting and they feed out for their deer with corn etc. A very good possibility it was introduced by human interaction perhaps given genetic modification of crops is rampant there. Just a theory.
    Yes that is a conspiracy theory.

    This is the scientific understanding:
    Originally there was scrapie which affected sheep.

    But in the UK cows were fed extra protein including from sheep carcases. Then the treatment process for animal feeds was changed and allowed more infectivity through. Plus they used down cow carcasses going into the feed ... Sounds obvious in hindsight. So the scrapie prion adapted to cows and became mad cow disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) which exploded in UK cattle due to amplification from feeding dead cows to live ones.

    A few cases were transmitted to humans and called variant CJD ( affects people a bit differently that the usual Creutzfeld Jakob Disease which occurs spontaneously about 1: million per year and mostly in people over 70. It was very rate but it could be transmitted by blood transfusion.

    They changed the cattle feedcprocess somehow and put the kibosh on BSE. Over the last 20 yr cases of vCJD in humans have fallen away to almost zero. Thats why we are allowing people whove lived in the UK to donate blood again.

    Anyone whod like references for this info, send me a PM.

    Im surprised if any real deer urine could be imported into NZ but stranger stuff has happened. ( like raw pork )

    Thanks new person @HuntaClimbsHigh
    And @Barrythehunter . CWD would be real bad for hunting in NZ as control would make 1080 for TB look namby pamby by comparison.
    veitnamcam, 308, MB and 3 others like this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Sorry forgot to mention that infectivityvis very high in specific organs like brain and spinal cof but very low in meat and utine.

  11. #11
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bagheera View Post
    Yes that is a conspiracy theory.

    This is the scientific understanding:
    Originally there was scrapie which affected sheep.

    But in the UK cows were fed extra protein including from sheep carcases. Then the treatment process for animal feeds was changed and allowed more infectivity through. Plus they used down cow carcasses going into the feed ... Sounds obvious in hindsight. So the scrapie prion adapted to cows and became mad cow disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) which exploded in UK cattle due to amplification from feeding dead cows to live ones.

    A few cases were transmitted to humans and called variant CJD ( affects people a bit differently that the usual Creutzfeld Jakob Disease which occurs spontaneously about 1: million per year and mostly in people over 70. It was very rate but it could be transmitted by blood transfusion.

    They changed the cattle feedcprocess somehow and put the kibosh on BSE. Over the last 20 yr cases of vCJD in humans have fallen away to almost zero. Thats why we are allowing people whove lived in the UK to donate blood again.

    Anyone whod like references for this info, send me a PM.

    Im surprised if any real deer urine could be imported into NZ but stranger stuff has happened. ( like raw pork )

    Thanks new person @HuntaClimbsHigh
    And @Barrythehunter . CWD would be real bad for hunting in NZ as control would make 1080 for TB look namby pamby by comparison.
    Thanks for the great reply. Just found out recently that I can give blood now having been born and raised over there until 2001 when I left for good.
    Happy Jack.

  12. #12
    Member Oldbloke's Avatar
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    Victoria Australia
    Interesting. Eating CWD infected venison could be fatal.

    Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests. The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
    A bit more bang is better.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    I think my wallet has cwd
    308, STC and Liquidasset like this.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Scare tactics so no need to worry .if it arrives the power that runs the country bought it here
    STC likes this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Good podcast on the topic.


    One of the interesting points in here is that no Human infection has been documented as yet from infected deer meat, in spite of probably alot of consumption. I wouldn't risk it, but interesting none the less.

    We also have a testing programme in NZ deer farms where a certain number of animals exhibiting "wasting" symptoms are euthanized and brain tissue harvested for testing every year. This is conducted by the MPI Biosecurity team I believe.
    Gamehunter and STC like this.



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