So I spent half the night last night getting my reloading kit all set up (hadn't used it since moving back to Auckland earlier this year) and loading up 3x 20 different loads. These were a mix of pills - 120gn SPH, 140gn SGK and 162gn A-Max all over 2208.
I started with the A-Max because it's the one I wanted to work. I seated them out as far as I could, didn't measure the jump but it's not much. My target was accuracy better than 1MOA and velocity over 2250fps without too much pressure.
I started conservatively at 38gn 2208 on the advice of @Puffin, noting my overall length was shorter than the book recommendation. That shot okay, as did everything from 38-42gn. 41gn was particularly good, with very little ES and all shots touching with only lateral movement. I worked up slowly to 43gn (41 being book max) and started to get a little bit of head stamping, nothing drastic and bolt-lift was easy and primers were still nice and rounded with no excessive cratering.
I settled at 42.5gn which chucks the 162 pill at 2285fps and lands them in a neat little clover at 100yds.
I'm not going to bother shooting the either of the sierras, can't see much point. Plus it's windy and I have a headache. I'll take a few more photos when I can be bothered pulling my targets and writing it up.
Cheers to the good buggers who offered their opinions and ideas. @chainsaw who lent me his chrony and @Danny and @Shootm who offered to lend me bang sticks for my hunt if I couldn't get my shit together... This forum is awesome!
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