Two lads heading in early March, anyone been in recently got any good tips...probably be at Army Road...or the Quarry/Charlies Corner...'preciate the help....
Two lads heading in early March, anyone been in recently got any good tips...probably be at Army Road...or the Quarry/Charlies Corner...'preciate the help....
Buy a lot of hi vis, you won't be alone in there.
Last edited by Pengy; 22-02-2015 at 09:21 AM.
Thanks Pengy, going before the roar so should be good....options open so ee can scope out all sorts....thanks Kawekakid also.......
I've lost three mates shot in there over the past 30 years. I never go there during the roar.
It's not the roar just yet, so mid week hunting should be OK, but watch out in May / June.
Hunter308 has shot all the deer anyway.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
That would be the biggest tui billboard ever, the bastards keep dodging me
To the OP walk through poronui to oamaru river hut forget clements too many people in that area due to ease of access, oamaru hut is a 6 hour walk via te iringa from clements and 3hr 40mins through poronui (just leave bolt and ammo out of rifle when walking through poronui)
To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals
From wherever you park your vehicle walk at 90 degrees to the road and walk for an hour before you set up camp or hunt, that way you will lessen the chances of being shot. Most of the wankers that hunt the area keep to the edges, usually within sight of their vehicles. No good camping on the road side as you have to run the gauntlet every day of getting past them and the spot lighters will keep you awake most of the night. Don't roam the roadsides after dark wearing reflective hi vis as the dopey pricks shoot anything that reflects. Still a great place to hunt, just got to go deeper in.
Make that at least 2 hours directly away from any road or track.
It is a dangerous place. If you really want to take the risk, then drive the full length of the road first and count the vehicles and note their locations. Allow about 2 persons per vehicle so you have some idea of the population of hunters and where they are likely to be hanging out. If I go there, it is never during long weekends or public holidays or the roar month. More likely I would consider midweek hunt of 3+ days so you have time to get away from the loopys by walking beyond their comfort range with your pack and gear You'll more often see another hunter in the bush , than a deer unless you are well away from road or tracks. One local chap had his dog shot at his feet a few months ago, while he and the dog were sitting down taking a breather. Any other hunters you meet , you should have a yarn with them and clearly agree on boundaries or areas you will not encroach.
Both public and private Oamaru have been shot to sh*t.
Still need to be away from the hut and more commonly hunted (and spotlighted) areas.
Welcome to Sako club.