No its all good. Its a good conversation. I do have answers and solutions. But whether or not anyone agrees or not is another story.....
Basically there is nothing wrong with Commercial Hunting on private land and I have been involved in that industry for a few years.(Not currently) But I am not keen on it, as I have said before happening on DOC land. This is because I have seen the dollar over rule ethics in the past.
1. First the classification of Pest needs to be removed from deer.
2. Then there needs to be areas of interest set aside for herds to flourish. Like the mainland whitetail herd, the wapiti area, certain otago and canterbury areas for example.
3. These areas need to be managed as a private hunter only resource. i.e not commercial, no WARO, no 1080 and with guidelines in place. Like what can be shot, numbers etc. And I am not talking whole national parks, just certain areas so the weekend hunter can go and shoot his couple of spikers for the pot in other parts.
4. This area set aside will help everyone though as the quality of deer improve they will spread to other areas naturally.
5. Since these certain areas will not be huge they can be managed easily for pests etc, which is why 1080 will not be needed.
My fingers hurt now so I can't type anymore.......

but the brain is working