There is no right or wrong in this. We’re all different and our palettes are as variable as our personalities.
My palette changes over time, from one thing to the other and back again. I ate tons of venison backstraps from 2016-2023, but as of now I’m right off the stuff and eating pretty much only wagyu beef (it helps to be growing it at home). It’s the same for the rest of the family so we mince everything now and cook a 50-50 mix with beef mince. That works well, for us.
Wild pork has been a challenge for me. Sometimes it’s great and sometimes it’s a nonstarter. Goat? Meh. But done right it’s lovely. I was eating quite a bit of kangaroo for awhile. Rabbit & hare, pheasant, fish. Any of those can be lovely or unpalatable to me on a given day, i’ve never really understood exactly what controls how I respond to eating it (or not). When I was a kid my grandpa made us eat fucking pike for chrissake. Bones! Palette preferences tend to come and go, depending on lots of things I suppose.
@Delphus, something I have found to work well with folk that are a bit reluctant towards game meat is to prepare it for Asian style stirfry cooking. That works well and if you like a proper Chinese wok prepared stirfry I don’t think you will struggle with very thin slices of venison. Try it, maybe that’s the magic recipe for you.