Coromandel Peninsula - Moehau Range - Pest Animals?
I've been asked if I would travel to the end of the road on the eastern side of the Coromandel Peninsula to cull rabbits?
"HELL YES!" What an amazing opportunity to visit a unique part of Aotearoa, which I have never been to.
In the 1970's my uncle and aunty had a tin hut at Whangapoua, which was the first street back from the beach and had a long-drop toilet! I understand Whangapoua is now basically a suburb of Auckland!?
So the question for the forum members, who are familiar with that area is, what species of pest animal are there in them there hills? The residents tell me there are rabbits. Are there also hare, goats, deer (species?) and pigs? Have possum been eradicated from that area? Are there ferrets, stoats and weasels? Rats? I might take some DOC 200 traps... Feral cats? (cage traps). Dogs for that matter?
Is the Predator Free New Zealand operational in this area?
A bit of local knowledge would be appreciated.