Just my observations. I work at the port, its a very good barometer of the economy, it trends ahead of what everyone else feels/ sees / percieves.
It swung real low from about March not much coming in or going out, just logs and at a low level of them. Possibly cyclone debri / cut for cheap rates.... China int taking much.
This continued all through to the end of August, and with the spring coming it picked up. This may be temporary as farmers gear up for fert delivery and stock food for the coming draughts?
But when the Fert boats go back to back and the Palm kernel hangs in the breeze, all the truck companies run out of bumbs on seats.
I would say that the trucks have been rolling out the gate 24/7 for the last month. And now with a fresh Indonesian import contract, hauls to Huntly will be all the rage.
It might be blighted with the spring influx but I think things are trending up compared to this time last year. It seemed then that no one had the funds to outlay for the likes of feeed and fert.
With a class 5 or 6 you can even jump in a straddle if you like heights, you can hop in a Maffy truck and haul logs up and down the road too.
Now we have 600 freezing workers out of jobs soon.There will be a few trades, truck drivers will get seasonal work.After that slim pickings will be left.
That ad won't attract any decent guide, ya get what you pay for. As for tips, some clients will tip the owner and expect them to pass it on...or doesn't pass it on.
If I was younger I would give the guiding a go , could lead to other things as well if your any good at the guiding and people skills stuff .
It’s a foot in the door if you fancy it as a career