Had a cracker of a day out yesterday on the lake. Dropped the boat in at the north end and made our way down to the doc blocks near the Patea dam. The new gun rack on the boat worked a charm and we bowled a few goats.
Had a cracker of a day out yesterday on the lake. Dropped the boat in at the north end and made our way down to the doc blocks near the Patea dam. The new gun rack on the boat worked a charm and we bowled a few goats.
Been meaning to go up that way for awhile now. Any fallow up there?
glass conditions WOW
Looks like a blast
yes there are but need to be carefull as to what land one is on very touchy locals but one can access the Whenuakura from the lake after a 2 hour climb thru some narly manuka country but worth the effort as quite good numbers once the whenuakura is reached lots of clearlings just shit of a walk in