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Thread: Dead goats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Stratford, Taranaki

    Dead goats

    You'd think that if you were going to hunt goats you wouldn't drive out into the country and throw the skins, heads, feet and bones onto someone's (my!) property.... Lazy f%%kers..... Only saving grace is that at least they have actually used the goats and not just shot and left them.....

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  2. #2
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    We get poached cattle and sheep remains dumped in the local waterhole that kids use. Some fucking winners out there
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Yeah that sucks big time. This is pretty minor in comparison, it just annoys me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Maybe there's a biz opportunity for someone with room for a couple of offal holes.

    By arrangement with the landowner I leave offal and skins where I shoot the goat. I just don't do a lot of hunting there during fly strike season.

    As a townie, dealing with carcass waste is a real issue. We are banned from putting it out in the waste collection so yiu have to find somewhere to dump it. I figured out early on that bringing meat home with skin on, or any bits attached that I can't eat, is a real bad idea. Could I dig an offal hole in my back yard, well maybe. But would I pay a modest fee to be able to dump it into a cockies offal hole? You bet.

    Of course it doesn't solve the poaching problem. Those guys will dump wherever they think they can get away with it.
    I know a lot but it seems less every day...

  5. #5
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
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    Some ultimate dickhead left a pile of dead feral pigs on the side of the carpark at the local waterfall here this past summer. It’s a very busy tourist spot, hundreds of visitors every day in peak season. Normal black Captain Cook pigs, medium sized, untouched as in nothing taken from the animals, whole, four of them. It’s one of those incidents where you simply cannot fathom what the fuck was going through the head of the person that put them there. Us locals have decided it’s someone’s idea of a sick joke.

  6. #6
    MSL is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flyblown View Post
    Some ultimate dickhead left a pile of dead feral pigs on the side of the carpark at the local waterfall here this past summer. It’s a very busy tourist spot, hundreds of visitors every day in peak season. Normal black Captain Cook pigs, medium sized, untouched as in nothing taken from the animals, whole, four of them. It’s one of those incidents where you simply cannot fathom what the fuck was going through the head of the person that put them there. Us locals have decided it’s someone’s idea of a sick joke.
    Well, once they’ve driven round for a few days with them on top of the dog box, they’re probably not going to be worth eating.

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  7. #7
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhon View Post
    Maybe there's a biz opportunity for someone with room for a couple of offal holes.
    The rules around here (Waikato DC) are that you can only put stuff in an offal hole from your own property. Probably need a resource consent to do otherwise.
    Small bits and pieces go in the rubbish collection, larger stuff I dig a hole in the vege garden and bury it, but I'm running out of vege garden!
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  8. #8
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    Well, where dead animals are left after a poison drop isn't a great example to the correct procedure for " joe public"
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  9. #9
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    I saw this on the side of our road a few weeks ago. I'd say someone used my road as a shortcut from the back of Eltham and the pig fell off the ute. I was going to take it home if it was fresh (and leave a note), but it had been sitting in the sun all day and was getting manky. The neighbour moved it with his tractor later that day. I bet there were some choice words said when they got home to find it gone from the back of the ute!

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  10. #10
    Still learning JessicaChen's Avatar
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    A few years ago, for some reason in the middle of Dunedin Central, not a rural area at all, someone had dumped 20+ unbutchered rabbit carcasses in a bush next to my flats carpark. It was bizarre and the smell was terrible.

  11. #11
    NRT is offline
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    Some winner dumped a shit load of cod heads and frames in the local beach walking carpark ,the smell gut wrenching some poor council worker had the task to clean up

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  12. #12
    Member zeropak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tetawa View Post
    Well, where dead animals are left after a poison drop isn't a great example to the correct procedure for " joe public"
    Excellent. Well said. You forgot to mention that on the "operating instructions" for 1080 it states that all carcasses should be collected and properly disposed of. I guess they guys are just following the lead of our very responsible government.
    XR500 likes this.
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  13. #13
    MB is offline
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    Odd behaviour, I wonder if they were stolen domestic animals rather than the spoils of hunting?

  14. #14
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhon View Post

    As a townie, dealing with carcass waste is a real issue. We are banned from putting it out in the waste collection.
    you say what?????????
    my green otto bin gets all my offal in it...sheep skins,guts,deer bits and best of all loads of duck feathers,,,funny as fcuk when truck tips the feather bin,,,funnier still when he gets out to look and leaves cab door open.... I had it out with council years ago....its organic food scraps,my food came wrapped in it...no different to the giblits from inside the chook...do they even still have them?
    the council truck missed my bin one week...full of maggoty wallaby skins n guts...I rang them and they came in a ute with a wool sack...poor buggers,but they never left my bin again.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeropak View Post
    Excellent. Well said. You forgot to mention that on the "operating instructions" for 1080 it states that all carcasses should be collected and properly disposed of. I guess they guys are just following the lead of our very responsible government.
    Couldn't go into too much detail, don't want to be tagged here as being a "anti"



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