Just a quick report of my day.
We left home heading out to a forestry block to check my camera and put another one out, we always take the rifles even on a camera check but this time we had a bit of an explore. I proceeded into the new area and it wasn't long before Scotty found some fresh pig sign, at this point i carried on on a different route through a good patch of native and Sid was showing good nose but started to get out on me a bit so i heeled him in and slowly stalked our way along a good game trail, about 100m on i look down the hill a bit and see a young stag standing there looking at me with a hind behind him. As much as i would of preferred to take the young hind there was no shot there so i lined up on the neck and CLICK, shit load it and Boom down he goes.
I made my way out and got picked up on the road about a k away and we headed home leaving the bush to the other 3 hunters that were there as well, Busy spot!
Got home and had a dog change out and headed to my pond to jump shoot it as i had seen 8 or 9 ducks on it yesterday.
We snuck up the dam and all of a sudden there was 30 ducks flying out of unseen places, we managed 6 from 8 rounds, good fat birds too.
Tomorrow we will go for another hunt in Waikaia, who knows what that will bring.