Had a colleague drive through Haast around 2am during the roar 3 years ago, he came across a mob of hinds in the middle of the road. I've seen a couple of yearlings in McKenzie county late at night beside the road.
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Had a colleague drive through Haast around 2am during the roar 3 years ago, he came across a mob of hinds in the middle of the road. I've seen a couple of yearlings in McKenzie county late at night beside the road.
I met a bloke who had a boy racer problem on his quiet deadend road - he hammered in half length warratahs on an angle sticking out of the road about 300mm - boy racers got their sumps ripped out on their cars when they came through that night
Used his lifting tool to jack them out the next morning, quite a bit of oil about..
We had 'trouble' with trespassing / illegal hunting on our Murchison farm. Gave the pig hunting rights to a bloke who was feared by all, on the condition that he kept the poachers off. No more problems. One day he gave three blokes a hiding, threw them in the river and took the pig they had. Others were tracked down at the pub and found somewhere else to hunt
A couple of roadside photos from last year and this years efforts for forum members to enjoy :)
Attachment 212843
Obviously a photo of a stag in velvet.... taken awhile ago.
Attachment 212844
As per usual.... Again drove down the road and spotted another deer on the side of the road. No more road photos for awhile, but feel free to put your own up.
Dogs being allowed to rip up pigletS,not nice.I dont mind watching a sow mooching around with her familly at foot.I wouldnt shoot her,gota give the familly some pleasure in life befor they are tipped over.
it would almost be funny to find out where these jokers live and pay visit in wee small hours on your tractor with the effluent tank in tow.let gravity do its thing and return in time to start milking...but I guess at least its not a cow hide on the fence.
Awesome photos!
Camera - must be skinning at home and coming back with the skins, perhaps going past on the way to work
the same sort of people that think its ok to cross private land without permission to get a wild animal
Reminds me of issues my father-in-law had many years ago.
He brought a rough block at the end of a dead-end road which gave access to the harbour and many people used this access point to get flounder.
He had no issue with people crossing his farm but expected if he was there, they had the decency to ask.
He had a few issues as he developed the place but nothing too serious until he built and new cowshed and barn. People believed the content of his fuel tanks was theirs and that used the hay barn for parties, almost burning it down. They then cut fences so that they could drive down to the shore.
After he build the house and lived on the farm, he had a few issued but most were sorted out without any incidents, however he had 2 guys who he trespassed as they were semi commercial as he caught them with 15 dozen flounder, and they almost end up in a fist fight.
These guys continued to sneak onto the farm and again cut the fences to get down to the large haul of flounder they had caught.
He started to wait out for these guys and after a few long nights when the tide was right, they visited again.
They parked their car on the side of the hill and headed off, he got the tractor and used the front-end loader to roll the car down off the side of the hill, parked the tractor and went home.
3 in the morning there was knock on the door and the 2 guys were there, as you can imagine there was a bit of discussion, with the father-in-law telling them to fu*k off and refused to let them use the phone as he was the only house on the road. It was a 5 mile walk to the main road for them to hitch hike home
The dragged the car up the next morning and left it on the road side.
After this they got the message.
These guys here were having a good look for one.Attachment 213247