Just read this may interest you , access issues probably caused this problem.
Just read this may interest you , access issues probably caused this problem.
We should all definitely shoot more hinds everywhere we go.
I wouldn't say it's high quality reporting, so let's get that out of the way, not endlessly complain about it, and move onto what we as hunters can actually do, within our control, to help prevent the increasing deer numbers in some places around the country becoming an issue for the future of hunting in NZ: remove more breeding females whenever the opportunity presents itself
there definitely is a problem in some areas and hunter access can be hard to get, some farmers want the deer gone and are happy to let people go hunting while the farmer next door likes the deer and doesent want anyone to shoot them. took a mate out earlier this week to get his first deer and shot 2 hinds out of a mob of 7 and will be back to shoot some more once the venison gets low.
A lot of built up areas in southland because half the public land you can't get access to.
Like accessing through Cattle Flat station to land locked DOC block that has deer galore
Locked roads that lead to doc land are also really offputting. :/ Been sending out a couple of letters to ask landowners permission to cross their paddocks to access difficult-to-reach areas, hopefully they respond.
But yeah I understand people get paranoid when it comes to safety, especially when firearms are involved.
Easy access to mataura range, east dome on the other hand is no access unless you raft down the river. Ridiculous amount of deer through that area, below average antler quality too worse than the ruahines.
So much landlocked doc land down here it's no wonder the numbers are building up so high. Needs to be a law where access must be granted for any landlocked public land.
I was talking to a Farmer who gave us access through his farm to a Doc block this roar about how the said Doc block was completly overrun and the quality of the bush and the deer was badly suffering. I asked him how many of the hunters he lets have access through his farm to the boock would come out having shot hinds. He held up his hand in the shape of a donut and told us we were the first for a long time. He said most guys just tell him the stags were shit so they shot nothing.
We had shot 7 deer that trip, 5 were hinds.
lots of antler...and one looked a rather good antler too......par for the course unfortunately.
well,when access is granted,I will shoot what I can use.... hate the thought of leaving venison to rot.... my freezers are in healthy state ,all three of them....but intend to shoot another deer in next month and make sausages and patties..... might just shoot two.
‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’
There's definitely to many deer about in many places, the affect hunters can have on private land numbers will always be limited by the landowner though. On public land access is a major factor.
Attitude/ethics is probably the next most important factor. If an area is holding very high numbers then is it really wasting and wrong to shoot 2-3 hinds/deer and only carry out back steaks and fillets? Compared to shooting only one deer and carrying out all the meat shooting multiple animals is better in the long-run.