Nah leave that to DOC
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Bringing a firearm into NZ is pretty easy, don't be put off by that. Follow the link in one of the earlier posts.
Finding good/reasonable hunting in NZ can be a little trickier. Don't expect to shoot a massive "NZ" head like you see in the trophy magazines, a wild NZ deer won't be anything like that.
A good/reasonable thar or chamois is a realistic chance though.
And bring your gear with you - even Alaska prices are far far cheaper - buying it all at Hunting and Fishing rip off prices is not a good idea! Key thing for taking your firearm out of the US is making sure you have the forms to take it home again. Visitor license here is easy enough.
What part of Alaska are you I and what have you been hunting? Thar hunting is reasonably similar to sheep or goats over there. Moose vs red deer is very different - expect to cover a lot more miles on foot for the latter. More like say backpack hunting for elk on state lands in the lower 48.
I use to live in Fairbanks, so have some idea of the differences here vs there. Feel free to pm me if you want to chat more.
Make sure you drive on the left hand side of the road :)
Hope you're jumping down docs throat every time they dump another load of 1080 about you just chill out a little and help the old mate out instead of giving him a sure he's going to be spending some cash while he's here and why waste more on guiding fees when there's a bunch of good bastards on this forum that will help him out in a true kiwi way instead of trying to plug it up him.
I love some of the comments you guys seem awesome!!! As for going with a guide I do not want to just for personal preference. I have nothing against guides as a matter of fact I am in the process of becoming one here in Alaska. Thanks to everyone that posted website URL's they are VERY helpful. I love Rusky post as well as least a lot of you guys are not into "trophy hunting". I am all about conservation of wildlife and wild places. How does New Zealand's Conservation model work?
Welcome Alaskaman. Gibo,s post was on the money.
Another Alaskan who will visit NZ in a few years-hopefully with local help/guides for Red deer and more. I have contacted USDA and USFWS and US Customs and all say that we can bring back venison from NZ but not pork or goat. Before I leave I plan to get that in writing. In the meantime I have been lurking and taking notes and enjoying your stories and photos. Thanks to all.
If either of you 2 fellas wanna do a swap a hunt I am keen.
I wanna big bull moose.
Doing a whitetail in Canada first and will be real keen on a moose after that.
I have excellent Thar and Chamois hunting on my doorstep.
Great brown trout fishing and stacks of red deer. Can't guarantee a trophy red but can give you a better than average chance at both a big thar and cham..
One of my best mates is also an established fair chase guide.
He will always be keen to tag along and has nice affordable accommodation.
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Our conservation model is that introduced pest species (such as Deer, Pigs, Goat,Thar, Cham) must be exterminated.
Fortunately for all concerned that is just not feazable tho we do spend millions of dollars on control.
Do not expect to see great migratory herds of anything tho animals are about, in NZ we can shoot both male and female all year around with no limit on numbers (some blocks or special herds have restrictions ).
The average NZ hunter is slightly more interested in herd management than the govt tho and most hunt ethically shooting for meat or trophy.
My understanding is that a "trophy Thar" is generally considered a beast with 11" or more. What are the standards for Red Stag and Chamois?
I looked at the approved arms import list on Blaser. The R8 is not there. See: Approved firearms | New Zealand Police
Is the Blaser R8 not allowed in NZ?
I wouldn't take the list too literally, "or similar" seems to apply. When I moved back from overseas I brought something with me not on the list. I explained to the cop it was pretty much the same as something on the list by the same manufacturer, and he was happy enough and off I went! Given you can buy R8s here I think you'd be fine!
The R8 is relativly new and the police are archaic so it probably has not been updated yet.
There is heaps of R8s in the country.
I dont profess to know lots about Thar but I think 12-13 is considered representative and shooting smaller bulls may upset some hunters.
I am certain I will do a hunt swap now. All those that made that statement about me doing a hunt swap thank you!!! I did not even think of this idea before hand. If any of you guys want to hunt in Alaska in the years to come let me know when I become a guide in my off season I can take you guys out for free in my off season since I will be out anyway hunting for my own food and you can tag along and I will help fill your tag as well. And any additional info on this thread is appreciated thanks you to all people who posted so far. You guys are doing a great job showing me Kiwi's are great people and I can not wait to make NZ friend's!!!!!