Alaskaman there are a few things that you need to understand before you come over.
1. New Zealand is frequently voted the best country in the world to live in so you may never want to go back... And that would be perfectly fine with us.
2. Maori place names can be difficult for foreigners to pronounce. By way of example the letters W and H together are pronounced as an F but whilst the names are difficult you will also get lots of giggles from place names starting with Whaka.
3. The country is genuinely jaw droppingly beautiful, in fact the South Island is pants shittingly beautiful and the one thing that you really need to know is that the sub species humans (Kiwiana Southicus) that inhabit the bigger island love having fun poked at them for their twelve toes and inbred looks.
4. All New Zealand males will respond to the name "mate" and most especially if it is preceded with "want a beer".
I hope these tips are helpful. Looking forward to reading of your visit.
Alaskaman- If you are going to hunt in the Sth Is its a good idea to "test" yourself and your equipment before you commit to a major expedition. I take lots of guys on a Queenstown area goat shooting trip for a day or two to help them acclimatize to our conditions and get their eye in for the terrain they'll be encountering. Our mountains can be a bit sobering but its better to be able to find out what you don't know before its real. Goats are really a "mountain varmint" here. Happy to take you if you like, we love hosting folk from overseas. A hunt for wallabies in the Sth Canterbury area will achieve the same thing.