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Terminator Alpine

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  1. #1
    Member Kooza's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    DOC- Conservation Management Strategy (CMS) - Wellington and Hawkes Bay

    Just a heads up consultation process is underway and to sign up to be involved in the process. Have a say and do the survey as this directly affects us as hunters in these areas and NZ as a whole.

    The CMS:
    •identifies how to manage places to achieve national conservation outcomes
    •aligns with DOC’s strategic direction to clarify priorities for managing conservation resources
    •guides decision making, eg on applications to undertake commercial activities and for our own purposes
    •guides where recreational activity can occur
    •describes conservation outcomes to be achieved through milestones and actions
    •provides the basis for reporting to conservation boards.

    Have your say: Get involved...

    Have your say: Get involved...

    you have until mid june to have a say

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    One of the biggest questions and hard to get traction with is the actual decisions on agreement of so-called "Conservation Outcomes" and management of "conservation resources".



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