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  • 1 Post By Uplandstalker

Thread: DOC info

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    Cornwall, England.

    DOC info

    Hello Everyone,
    I'm still in the planning stage for my Bowhunting trip next February to the South Island of your great country from boring old England. I'm hoping to take a goat or two for camp meat so an area with plenty of goats present would be a great place to start.
    I've been looking at the DOC website and I'm amazed at the amount of info there is for hunters and trampers but does anyone have any opinion as to how accurate and up to date the DOC where to hunt info is. According to the website Six mile hunting block has large numbers of goat and I was thinking it sounds like a good place to start.

  2. #2
    MB is offline
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    DOC information is OK for my area, but you have to take it in context. For example, there are pigs where I hunt, but I've never seen one despite many hours in the bush. I know they are there in good numbers because I've seen sign and pig hunters with dogs seem to do well. Just making the point that as a visitor, you might see on the website that an area has a certain target species, but finding them is another matter. There is a section of the website which gives up-to-date information on where poisons have been laid which is obviously important for your safety: https://maps.doc.govt.nz/externalmap...sticidesummary

    The online maps are very useful as they show access points, DOC tracks overlaid on topographical information.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    North Canterbury
    You can ring the local DOC offices in your areas of interest and they will give you an up to date view.

  4. #4
    Member Uplandstalker's Avatar
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    The info on the blocks can be good in places, but depends on how much control and hunting occurs too. The Kaikoura/Malborough and Central Otago blocks generally have good numbers.

    Some other info on mammal distribution can be from here https://deptconservation.maps.arcgis...cd19a5bba53059
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