Second half of the article
Second half of the article
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
when you read it.....the reason had NOTHING TO DO with the type of shot...the empty cases were chucked further with more potent loadings and had hit a deflector fitted to ejection port (like many did 50 years ago) solves does using break open....which a mate told me was weapon of choice when they were culling geese from chopper for ease of reloading... the old SxS is quickest of all when you take detachable mags out of equation....
And ejector sxs with quick loaders is probably as fast. Morbid but relevant the Dunblane massacre in Scotland I think it was, the gunman used a sxs his rate of fire was around 30 shots per minute, underestimating the speed of reloading cost a policeman his life. Speed is no good without accuracy no matter what.
This assertion has been made before and I've been sceptical. Here's a video I made last time - 20 aimed rounds in about 28 seconds from a semi, not using the more modern loading techniques which would halve the reloading time. If anyone wants to demonstrate doing it faster with a SxS I'm perfectly willing to be convinced
thats fast alright......Im finding if push shell in too deep the bottom gate??lets it come back under it,so cant push anymore have to inssert carefully so rim keeps pressure on gate till last round is in.... good technique,would work with the old H&R as shells stayed in mag and didnt slip back into action...
Unfortunately that beretta action is now illegal in NZ. But cowboys run SXS fast
Dunblane was all handguns. Thats what got them banned.
Hungerford was pistol and semi auto centre fire, but semi shotguns got hammered on that on as well as the semi rifle total ban. He could have done it with a muzzle loader, his rate of fire was so slow, but we know how the govt works ay !
hmmm Im still figuring out the quirks of Beretta ....often still cock it up and have to cycle one out to continue filling mag....the H&R pump was dead simple by comparison.
They test for lead poisoning but dont notice any 1080 in the system????? Wont find it if they dont look?
Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......
Why are they not using shell catchers anyhow?
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