Excellent work, will be handy for NZers like myself starting out without a mentor as well as overseas visitors. A few additional resources I have found handy over the years:
Under #8 or #9 I'd add the list of DoC offices & visitors centres, and encourage prospective visitors to make contact with them for some free local knowledge.
DoC offices (aphabetical)
DoC visitor centres (list or map view)
I'd encourage them to download the NZTopo50 app for offline navigation, noting that most hunting areas will have no cellular coverage.
NZTopo50 North Island (android)
NZTopo50 North Island (iPhone)
NZTopo50 South Island (android)
NZTopo50 South Island (iPhone)
Also note that if using paper maps, they'll need to allow for magnetic declination which could be very different from true north or the declination of their home location - for most of the places I hunt, magnetic north is currently 24° east of true north.
Magnetic declination map
Under #9 I'd add the Outdoor Access Commission / Herenga a Nuku Aotearoa website & map. The aerial imagery is way more detailed than DoC's, and their regional field officers are an awesome resource who actively update and advocate for public access to conservation land.
Outdoor Access Map
Advice on accessing the outdoors
Regional field advisors
Under #10 I'd add NIWA's long range outlooks and regional info on prevailing winds etc (handy for architects as well as hunters)
NIWA seasonal climate outlook
NIWA regional climatologies
Under #12, NZHunter published an excellent calendar a few years back which gives a bi-monthly summary of each species' behaviour and how to target them.
Jan - Feb
Mar - Apr
May - Jun
Jul - Aug
Sep - Oct
Nov - Dec
A few Mountain Safety Council resources:
MSC's skills courses
MSC's Plan My Walk for summaries of walking tracks
MSC's avalanche advisory
If I think of anything else I'll let you know!