Drawing animals out
Hey guys,
Unfortunately lost out on what would have been my first big stag yesterday, as he was bedded down and we ran out of daylight to get him (we were only there for a day trip). Before pulling the pin we tried making a racket to spook him, and lobbed a shot a dozen metres away from where he was bedded, but he never moved. Any tips or tricks to get them to move, other than being patient?
Cheers team
You need to wait him out
Never let him know your there, because he has the ability to wait you out
Yeah I guess I just expected him to spook. They’re smarter than me I suppose! I’ll go back next weekend with more time up my sleeve and hope I can track him down again.
yes spooked gone in 2 seconds allowed to standup without being spooked might just have time for a shot
Some hind calls may have worked. But some are downright stubborn.
He would have gone faraway.
Hunting is first and foremost, a sport of two "p's"...... perseverance and patience.