I carry a blue plastic MSC "Pocket survival bag" in my belt pouch.
I wear the hunting belt and two pouches almost all the time, specially when heading off down the side for a crap or to collect water (once had to sleep out with only a billy and tilley lamp - never again). The kits have a lot of other bits and pieces in them but two other key bits are two compasses and a spare small headlamp (Petzal Zipka) and spare batteries which help a lot in not having to spend the night out.
The plastic survival bag can also be used over my sleeping bag under a fly if it starts to rain so I can push the envelope a bit more and I never carry a proper tent or bivvy bag, just rely on a fly. After a few years the blue survival bag gets a bit worn out and manky just from carrying and needs replacement so I'm not shy to break it out and use it under a fly in the rain when it seems needed. Even after use it folds up pretty small again.
I've also slept out with a foil survival blanket once. It felt lovely and warm when we spread it over ourselves but he rolled one way and I rolled the other way and it tore right down the middle.
I'm against using a PLB to substitute for actual survival gear.