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Thread: Is this the end of stapling your pig dog?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Is this the end of stapling your pig dog?

  2. #2
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    ummm yes n no...reading the article right through,it appears the dags were a bit past a little bit of TLC at home....seems the falla had previous run in with SPCA over non trreatment so shouldve known better
    once again someone stuck shit on social media and it led them into crap.
    the SPCA has chased/prosecuted pig hunters for over 30 years if and when they get a hold of evidence of something not being right....I recall it being done in 80s when a video recorder was sent in for repairs..the tape was watched and owner ended up in court.

  3. #3
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    Jan 2012
    It will be interesting to read the SPCA report and see what weighting is given to the infected nose dog vs the stapled one.
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  4. #4
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    From the first reported incident in 2017 to current, a pattern of neglect with his dogs in how he gave them treatment. And that's from what was reported - a bit more behind the scenes here and a few other people know this too. The Court Outcome in this case is correct from my perspective. Not so sure what Mickey Duck is on about - speculating? Do you know this fella on a personal level? I do.

  5. #5
    Cameraman Dave
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunteast View Post
    From the first reported incident in 2017 to current, a pattern of neglect with his dogs in how he gave them treatment. And that's from what was reported - a bit more behind the scenes here and a few other people know this too. The Court Outcome in this case is correct from my perspective. Not so sure what Mickey Duck is on about - speculating? Do you know this fella on a personal level? I do.
    We showed a pig dog being stapled on our show a fortnight back, although in that instance, an anti-clotting agent was also used and the dog was then flown back by helicoptor to the vet, so shows a bit more concern for the animal's welfare than this prize prick demonstrated.
    tetawa, stingray, Maca49 and 8 others like this.

  6. #6
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Hunteast..... I agree on face of it the court ruling is correct.
    he was pursued the 2nd time BECAUSE of posting stapling on social media according to article if I read it right...the spca saw it and then followed up...yeah guess thats speculating but not a huge leap really.... he has history of NOT looking after dogs well....spca saw his dog was hurt ,so followed up to check if they were being cared for properly if I read between the lines correctly...
    as for the video tape bit...remember it clearly.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2018
    I've been reading this post and don't really know much about this fellow but if you have a dog in the state of the one with the snout wound then you definitely need pointing in the right direction it's a disgrace to let a wound get to that condition and I think I can say 99% of pig hunters wouldn't let it get that far I've pigged for most of my life and we stitched until staples came in we never had problems like that because the wounds were looked after twice a day until they were almost healed anything too big for us or life threatening to the dog went to the vet nobody wanted to loose a precious hunting dog if he can't afford vet or medical expenses for your dog then he can't afford a dog full stop and he also sounds like a repeat offender so maybe the spca is doing him a favour as well as the dogs it's blokes like him that make give pig hunters a bad name and make it hard to stay pigging and I think most piggers would agree
    stingray, Steve123, 57jl and 4 others like this.

  8. #8
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Really dont get pig hunting (especially with holders) who would want to eat a dirty old pig that's probably been feeding on all manner of dead rank shit and then on top of that has been chased and in a scrap for the last moments of its life, seems to me that there is one glaringly obvious reason people do it and that's some kind of bloodlust. Every pig hunter I have met seems to consider it some kind of badge of honour all the scars on their dogs. Why not just run bailers if you really have to use dogs? Or better still just run a pointer and shoot the bloody thing without stirring it up and chasing it halfway across the country before killing it.
    I have never liked wild pork, have had it quite a few times (all dogged) and it literally makes me dry retch and I'm fairly certain that their diet and the fact they have died in extremely stressful circumstances has a lot to do with that
    rugerman, mcche171, r87mm and 2 others like this.
    Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles

  9. #9
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    Really dont get pig hunting (especially with holders) who would want to eat a dirty old pig that's probably been feeding on all manner of dead rank shit and then on top of that has been chased and in a scrap for the last moments of its life, seems to me that there is one glaringly obvious reason people do it and that's some kind of bloodlust. Every pig hunter I have met seems to consider it some kind of badge of honour all the scars on their dogs. Why not just run bailers if you really have to use dogs? Or better still just run a pointer and shoot the bloody thing without stirring it up and chasing it halfway across the country before killing it.
    I have never liked wild pork, have had it quite a few times (all dogged) and it literally makes me dry retch and I'm fairly certain that their diet and the fact they have died in extremely stressful circumstances has a lot to do with that
    funny I feel the same way about beef....other than weaner snitzel or corned beef...its a yeah nah for me...venison over beef steak any day.
    pork from a sow under 100lb of boar under 100 that HASNT been feeding on carcasses or living in pines is some of the best meat anywhere.
    I ran bailer dogs..surethey would hold small stuff if asked,but a bailed pig is not that stressed if dog knows its job,they keep enough pressure on pig to keep it in one place,no more and no less (why border collie/heading dogs are so plurry good at it) pig is ok if he stays still,then gets bullet in the head... not scrapping,not running,not worked up......just a bit nervous then dead.
    Ive helped stich up dogs after holders did thier thing....not my cuppa tea.
    now days Im happy to let Meg lead me into them then shoot them before they even know Im there.
    57jl likes this.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    Really dont get pig hunting (especially with holders) who would want to eat a dirty old pig that's probably been feeding on all manner of dead rank shit and then on top of that has been chased and in a scrap for the last moments of its life, seems to me that there is one glaringly obvious reason people do it and that's some kind of bloodlust. Every pig hunter I have met seems to consider it some kind of badge of honour all the scars on their dogs. Why not just run bailers if you really have to use dogs? Or better still just run a pointer and shoot the bloody thing without stirring it up and chasing it halfway across the country before killing it.
    I have never liked wild pork, have had it quite a few times (all dogged) and it literally makes me dry retch and I'm fairly certain that their diet and the fact they have died in extremely stressful circumstances has a lot to do with that
    jesus still at the divide and conquer ryan.??
    you wont each much wild pork [which you don't care for so couldn't give a fuck anyway ]if you don't have dogs.
    personaly I prefer it over even venison and yes like any meat if its a older animal.
    that's chased the crap out of or half ripped to shreds its shite.
    I no more tar all pig hunters in the rip them in half club or the wasteful bastards who left two rotting down my public dog excercise park as all pighunters.
    i was proud to be one in my younger days and know the love of good dogs at their best.
    if it illustrates anything its the old adage a few ruin it for the many
    But this is NZ and for now run the hounds. Perfect no agreed , that said neither is poison , baiting or trapping. But we do it for free the others cost the tax payer ..and the dogs they love it!
    more to the point they love it cos we love it and them.
    Last edited by gsp follower; 01-09-2019 at 08:57 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    Really dont get pig hunting (especially with holders) who would want to eat a dirty old pig that's probably been feeding on all manner of dead rank shit and then on top of that has been chased and in a scrap for the last moments of its life, seems to me that there is one glaringly obvious reason people do it and that's some kind of bloodlust. Every pig hunter I have met seems to consider it some kind of badge of honour all the scars on their dogs. Why not just run bailers if you really have to use dogs? Or better still just run a pointer and shoot the bloody thing without stirring it up and chasing it halfway across the country before killing it.
    I have never liked wild pork, have had it quite a few times (all dogged) and it literally makes me dry retch and I'm fairly certain that their diet and the fact they have died in extremely stressful circumstances has a lot to do with that
    Bit like letting heifers fend for themselves at calving aye? Watched one run past this year with two legs hanging out the back. Maybe focus your animal welfare urges a little closer to home. Plenty of dairy "farmers" out there torturing animals.

    I'm no enthusiast for setting dogs on pigs, but it is a 10,000 year old activity like Dairy farming. We have a shed on this property from the 40s. Still has the girls names written on the wall. Bessy, Blondie, Buttercup etc etc. How times change.
    tetawa and Been Upto like this.

  12. #12
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    Bit like letting heifers fend for themselves at calving aye? Watched one run past this year with two legs hanging out the back. Maybe focus your animal welfare urges a little closer to home. Plenty of dairy "farmers" out there torturing animals.

    I'm no enthusiast for setting dogs on pigs, but it is a 10,000 year old activity like Dairy farming. We have a shed on this property from the 40s. Still has the girls names written on the wall. Bessy, Blondie, Buttercup etc etc. How times change.
    Tussock, mate, I was beginning to think we had some kind of uneasy truce going on, so I'm gonna try hold my tongue, but if you had actually read anything you would probably understand that I do a whole FUCK LOAD of focussing my energy on animal welfare issues close to home. Now, about this heifer you saw, was that on my farm? Also were you expecting the calf to come out belly first or something?
    Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    Tussock, mate, I was beginning to think we had some kind of uneasy truce going on, so I'm gonna try hold my tongue, but if you had actually read anything you would probably understand that I do a whole FUCK LOAD of focussing my energy on animal welfare issues close to home. Now, about this heifer you saw, was that on my farm? Also were you expecting the calf to come out belly first or something?
    Perhaps near where you were visiting when you were here last, can't say for sure. I never turn own an olive branch, so lets have an uneasy truce. I don't expect it to come out belly first. I do expect it to come all the way out and go into a trailer, rather than run from the grazing block back to the farm 5ks, while calving, with two legs hanging out the back. I'm on corner everyone runs their stock past and I was sickened. Its just fucking lazy. It was not you, so I apologize. We should not lump dairy farmers or pig hunters in together.

  14. #14
    Member stingray's Avatar
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    Honestly the dogs want it period! The hunt is in them, no not by all means all dogs ...Many fail, some will boar shy, some back leg holders and one or two will be exceptional.

    Pigs like a rabbit bred fast, a 7 month old sow will breed 2-6 suckers , and honestly they will live anywhere, from the snow line to the but no preferred swamp! They are a serious cunning animal smart, tough and resilient.

    Back to the dogs, once they get some kills in ...no not chewing pigs to death ..but hunts in they change from a dog/ pup to basicly a wolf ( for want of a better word). Bailers will hold a small pig which causes problems confidence builds balls suddenly your bailer thinks it's a wolf and wants to get in on the kill. Some will bail many will bail hold.

    Then comes the hunters ...as others have said .a good dog is priceless and great dog is beyond value...but like dairy farmers and hands some are priceless some are golden some are average and some are cunts! This is article is as normal about a bloke who for what ever reason is shit at caring about animals.

    Nothing is simple, I love dogs and pig dogs episcially, that said I've met dogs and owners that I would never want to share time with again. Scars on dogs mean bugger all to me...a hurt dog is never a good thing..nothing makes your gut hurt looking at a dog with a limp.

    People are the same some will be ok with a scrappy dog so long as it's hurting other dogs.

    Bit like bone hunters verse , long rangers ,verse meat hunters shooting fat velvet stags , verse helihunters , verse roar hunters , verse paying hunters, verse safaris ....each does it for themselves ...each has their own group of supporters and detractors ...

    But this is NZ and for now run the hounds. Perfect no agreed , that said neither is poison , baiting or trapping. But we do it for free the others cost the tax payer ..and the dogs they love it!
    tetawa, Sideshow and Been Upto like this.
    Nil durum volenti !!

  15. #15
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stingray View Post
    Honestly the dogs want it period! The hunt is in them, no not by all means all dogs ...Many fail, some will boar shy, some back leg holders and one or two will be exceptional.

    Pigs like a rabbit bred fast, a 7 month old sow will breed 2-6 suckers , and honestly they will live anywhere, from the snow line to the but no preferred swamp! They are a serious cunning animal smart, tough and resilient.

    Back to the dogs, once they get some kills in ...no not chewing pigs to death ..but hunts in they change from a dog/ pup to basicly a wolf ( for want of a better word). Bailers will hold a small pig which causes problems confidence builds balls suddenly your bailer thinks it's a wolf and wants to get in on the kill. Some will bail many will bail hold.

    Then comes the hunters ...as others have said .a good dog is priceless and great dog is beyond value...but like dairy farmers and hands some are priceless some are golden some are average and some are cunts! This is article is as normal about a bloke who for what ever reason is shit at caring about animals.

    Nothing is simple, I love dogs and pig dogs episcially, that said I've met dogs and owners that I would never want to share time with again. Scars on dogs mean bugger all to me...a hurt dog is never a good thing..nothing makes your gut hurt looking at a dog with a limp.

    People are the same some will be ok with a scrappy dog so long as it's hurting other dogs.

    Bit like bone hunters verse , long rangers ,verse meat hunters shooting fat velvet stags , verse helihunters , verse roar hunters , verse paying hunters, verse safaris ....each does it for themselves ...each has their own group of supporters and detractors ...

    But this is NZ and for now run the hounds. Perfect no agreed , that said neither is poison , baiting or trapping. But we do it for free the others cost the tax payer ..and the dogs they love it!
    Some dogs also love scrapping with other dogs.. should we start up a dog fight arena?
    Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles



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