"Conservation minister drops C bomb on live TV" - Newshub. Includes quotes from this thread.
the greens area joke, now i am all for non pollution and to punish the people that discharge nasty stuff into our rivers. nowadays they are "watermellons". green outside and red within
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Considering the very derogatory lower-class type comments made here in previous weeks by some regarding the Minister, the Minister could well be commended for showing restraint in her Freudian slip. She has most certainly been called much worse by forum members. And remember the Minister is a woman and should be treated with respect by the men on this forum.
In my opinion if a person is incapable of showing Respect to a Minister of the New Zealand Government, no matter what their opposing views and restraint, in comments on a public forum, I question that persons level of maturity. Politics is much like a game of Chess, winning is a matter of strategy with some losses along the way and this is what we should expect.
there is room for give and take but little miss green is a scumbag
The media are reading this thread. Please keep any comments that reflect poorly on hunters to yourselves (misogyny etc). There will be people in Auckland who have heard of hunters, but never met one, and they will judge us all by what you post.
Warning, contains the Minister's coarse language -
Aye "slip of the tongue" ?? ... I hope you're not questioning her sexual preferences as well as her integrity
The audio is crystal clear, the word used is deliberate & there for all to hear.
If it was a mistake or a Trump "I miss-spoke" then there should at least be a public apology and mea culpa. I'm waiting !
She’s clearly pissed she doesn’t get to kill all our “goats” or “thar or Tahar” as I’ve seen it. I love the end where she says about the magnificent mane on the bulls they like to shoot. Yep everyone hunts for a mane
You got what you voted for, sorry guys, time to wise up
Boom, cough,cough,cough