So I've done a few but I always find the brain a bitch to get to release from the skull as well as all the connective tissue around the neck etc. Anyone. Have any tips to help them come up cleaner from the boil?
So I've done a few but I always find the brain a bitch to get to release from the skull as well as all the connective tissue around the neck etc. Anyone. Have any tips to help them come up cleaner from the boil?
I cut mine in a line just above the teeth which takes the back of the skull off, allowing easy access to get brains out. Use a pressure washer to get bits off while still hot from the boil.
At the risk of telling you to suck eggs, get everything off the head that you can.
Then remove the Auditory(sp?) bulbs with pliers/screw driver and drill out with a wafer style bit before the first "boil", usually will be messy, use a cheap drill.
Some people do it after the brew but I personally find you get a much cleaner end product if done before. Then BEFORE you brew get in with a metal coat hanger and scramble brain pan, amazing how much you can get out just by doing this.
I almost feel that it almost "hardens" the menigial membrane against the interior skull if just thrown in a boil. Also the less heat the better, to a point. You want to remove matter/oils etc but too much heat and natural seams start breaking down and splitting. Low rolling boil and and water blasted .
Just my personal observation and technique though. I prefer the Euro mount myself so have done a fair few now, have not had issue with the above. FYI check WHITEBONE CREATIONS on YouTube he has a bunch of good stuff for skull work.
I usually have done. These last 3 I have done have been really painful. The atlas joint is covered in yellow ligament or something on one old cull I took in that even post boiling. Ive never had issues liek this with so much meat really sticking to the skull. Also pre boiling I had popped the earbuds out with a screw driver and coathangered the brain. Not idea why this happened. I may have to rewatch the whitebone creations videos again. Ideally I'd live to find some dermestid beetles here in NZ.
A mate of mine swears by this.
Let a few maggots get started on head put in a plastic bag for 4 weeks, then pull out water blast job done. Puts a y cut up through the skin up like a head skin and that's it
Reckons its a smelly job after four weeks and every thing just fulls off. Quick dip in boil water perfect.
Already said about the ear bones, it makes it hell of alot easier when they are removed
I just boil for a bit, then mush up the brain with a stick and blast it out with a hose. then boil a bit more and hook out the brain membrane with a hooked wire. it comes out in one big peice if your lucky. also add a handful of washing powder to the water to cut through fat.
I do mine very similar to how this guy dose it ^^^ just look out for them teeth as they are sharp.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
I've buried the past few heads in the garden. Leave for 4-6 weeks and everything is gone. Only issue is the skull will have a brown tinge to it but cleans up nicely with peroxide.