One of the Forum's, i am on, has a thread running on this, lots funny stories,
hers one of mine.
I've got a good wildlife coming to life yarn, this time a turkey,
Heading back from a successful deer hunting trip in Te Urewera ranges, New Zealand, same old mates, Ashley and Dave, three of us crammed into the cab of an old WB Holden Ute, coming across a flock of wild turkeys on the side of the road, haul up the ute, Dave and Ash pile out, and gab a turkey each, ring the neck, and threw them under the tourney cover.
hundred Km later, we stop at Wairoa, gas station and I get 50 bucks worth of gas, and 3 cokes and steak and cheese pies, Make it back to the ute, put pies and coke on the dash, just as Dave finishes pumping gas,
He says to me, "i am going to check on my turkey" and un does the tourney cover budgie cords, on one corner.
The turkey, seeing the light, explodes out of the gap, steps right on Daves face and launches him self to freedom, across the forecourt of the garage, and straight threw the open sliding door into the store and attempts to land on the Wrigley's chewing gum stand, this off course tips over and collapses,
The turkey in full panic is fly around crashing into things, people screaming and running out, a woman falls out the door, skirt up, while ass, several more trip and fall getting out the door,
I look at Dave, and say"get in the ute lets go,"
We are still laughing about it 150km later, when we drop Ashley off in Napier.
This trip, (there were a couple other memorable moments) comes up, every time we get together.
Put up your yarns.