Finally got my shit together and organised a couple of days off in August for a quite walk! Watch this space, the Gerratrics big day out:thumbsup:
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Finally got my shit together and organised a couple of days off in August for a quite walk! Watch this space, the Gerratrics big day out:thumbsup:
Are you going to use your double barreled big bore?
Nope my mate did last time and there was a lack of good meat to take home. My 6.5 x 55 will do, maybe my 45/70 BP for back up:(
Practice @BRADS practice!
What's your swede Maca.
M995 Sako, SS barrelled, just getting a vortex 4-16x50 scope on it, composite stock, oldie but very accurate.
Very Nice.
Well this time next week I'll be doing something I haven't done for 40 odd years, good thing is my mate is older than me so I'll be the young buck. Another tickle of the 6.5 hopefully tomorrow at Tech Park and I'll be set for the hills!:O_O:
That's a bloody long drought....
Yep that's the prob with moving towns, hi pressure job, boats, kids etc. but I had a mate top himself many yrs ago so I gave it all away, sold my collection etc. and stopped hunting, my kids were not interested. When I turned 60 I decided to get back into BP shooting, then got on here which rekindled my passion a bit more, so back into small game shooting. Now thru work I've found a good mate of my age who is very keen on collecting and all sorts of hunting, so here we go! Mostly I blame you bastards.
Thanks for the invite.
Two company, three four five...... Is a crowd! But thanks for the offers, makes me feel wanted.
No you re not.
Can I borrow the Blouser with the 223 on it? :D
No cause I have to buy one and I don't want to! But that's a fine offer thanks:cool:
I know where your going
Now Ive got a bloody stalker!!!:D
Rushy can cook and I can stalk, see no probls, don't forget the H:thumbsup:
Well had a couple of good day in Wanganui. Late start out of Kinloch on Mon , -1 degrees, aiming to be at our destination about 2pm. Quick coffee in Taupo to del Copper fishing line and a coffee, then thru Turangi and up and over the hill to National Park, Desert Rd was closed, stopped and took some photos of the 3 sisters, clear blue dayAttachment 53761. Passed Smash Palace and on thru the Paras, awesome country thru there, and on to Wanganui for lunch, food and beer! Quick visit to Wilson Sports was worth it. Oakland farms about a 30 min rally drive north, mate got a bit nervous sliding the Ranger round the corners.
Dan, Mary and kids were there to great us and show us our very comfortable accomodation, quick discussion on plan for afternoon, Dan pointed at the verticals climb adjacent from the house, hehe I thought your joking? Nope see you in 30mins. My mate and I discussed how the shit we were going to haul 134 yrs of combined experience up there! Dan told us s piece of cle, he's very patience, said the longest it had taken with a guy was 1-1/2 hours! I didn't feel any better, but we breezed up in a 20 mins, well nearly, old mate got a bit of vertigo, like a sheep with staggers, he blamed it on to many boxes round the ears, he's lived a filthy life!
Hand up and we see our first 3 yearlings about 50 metres over the top, sun was a prick, this was the first of about 20 animals seen all free ranging from the surrounding forest. Walked on round the ridge on the boundary fence, looking back downAttachment 53762
And into the no go forest Attachment 53763
Dan signals two hinds about 100 metres, to slow gone! Then after a bit of sidling round, another down on the track, sun was a bastard, so mate quietly slips back down thru the bush and at about 220 metres scores a direct miss with the 270! Start down myself another hind pops out, Maca to slow again!
Off down the track, light starting to fade and 3 hinds about 400 metres away, quiet stalk down the creek and pop up about 100 metres, bi pod down, snuggle in, slip a round quietly up the spout and bugger me glasses totally fogged, shit cannot see a thing, wipe them, still the same, shit I'm learning the hard way, can't see without my goggles! Finally a 1/4" of vision, bang miss FFS. Dusk is here, turn back down the track for home and hello, two stags an a spiked at 100 metres, glasses clear as, bipod down another round in and bang, flop, shit hot.Attachment 53764 Attachment 53767
Now we told Dan we were old and he believed us, kindly gutted it and carried it out, service , I don't think I could have stood up with it!
Back to the Motel, cook dinner, and drink beer and off to bed.
Attachment 53766
5:30am up for a cooked breaky and he's my cunning move, real hard frost, so told my mate he'd have a better chance if just he went with Dan and I stayed, cleaned up and enjoyed the fire. He could have stayed if he had taken the 200 metre shot from the motels porch at one
of the three hinds on the hill! But he decided he wasn't fit enough and disappeared with Dan down the track. Three hours later they return barren, saw 14 animals and missed his only shot from 75 metres, I know where there is a cheap 270hahahaha!
Left for home about 11 am picked up two more fallow for a mate in Wanganui, they had culled about 20 animals on the weekend!
Back by the same route, stopping at Smash Palace, shit for miles, if you want some thing for your car they'd have it!
Great easy couple of days, thanks to Dan, recommend arm chair shoot!
Attachment 53765
Will have to take you out for a shoot on the missus place one day macca :D
No big hills there.
Attachment 53768
What a cool hunt :)
Good one Maca.
Cool story
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Fuk Maca, I got vertigo just looking at your photos
Old boys still got it :D
Was pretty happy I got up that hill, may need a knee reconstruction and a slipped disc replaced, but every thing else is fine, Dan, the young buck, stuffed his knee on the Tues morning, old mate said it sounded real bad when it went, so age really doesnt matter:ORLY: Carrying an artillery cannon didnt help
Well done Maca. That does remind me the I need to get out and nail a deer.
Looks to be an awesome time you guys had! Green with envy here :)
Hell age is no barrier you just need to move a little slower, great hunt and some nice venison to take home.
On the road again, had to put off a week ago to go to Aussie, so now in Taupo and off to Wanganui in the morn. Weather not showing promise, but we're in donkey deep so hopefully the trip will be fruitful !!!! :cool:
Good luck mate