G'day all,
I've managed to get the second week of the school holidays off (11 - 18 April) and plan to take my 14 year old boy on his first red roar. I've had him in after the sika before but he's never heard the reds in action. Unfortunately I've left it a bit late and all the central north island helicopter operators appear to be heavily booked (and I guess if they run R44's, grounded!).
I must confess, I haven't chased the reds myself for a number of years and am after any options.
I've been toying with the eastern Ruahines although the knees aren't what they used to be as a result of failed reconstructive surgery some years back. They'll cope but I think anything over 4 hours with full pack will bugger me for a few days (however, I'll swallow a couple of concrete pills if guaranteed to get onto some deer!). Has anyone had recent issues with vehicle security in the Kashmir Road area?
I am also considering hauling the boat down from Whangarei and hunting Waikaremoana as an alternative option. I have some safety reservations about this as I would anticipate it to be very busy.
Any advice / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers fellas,