Can be hard to see
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Can be hard to see
Attachment 182700
Southwest Florida Eagles turning the tables. Birds 1, Cats nil.
Rough as. He sat on that cat for about 5 days before he moved geez
I knew cat is treated as threat to native birds said DOC and some other authorities. Also, I knew cats are good pet, many people like them since they have different quality than dogs. I do `t have a dog but I love them too, even I got bit of scared for their bites since child. In Asia, many people eat dogs, catch and kill them in brutal way, in most case dogs were beaten to death. Recently because the covid-19 zero policy, a family were taken away for isolation from home and their dog was left behind and those so called social workers broke in and killed dog using a crowbar. Think about that.
I am not judging anybody. Just talk since we are hunters and I believe we know the nature and animals better than others. Strayed cats only lives about three years. If need to shoot and kill, choose the male if possible and try make clean shot. They are no differences than your dog, just you do `t know them. Thank you guys.
I've shot them in the bush. I've trapped them and dispatched them.
I've seen grown men get excited when a feral cat gets shot.
Shoot all you can.
During lockdown last year I let the grand daughter who lives with us have a kitten, of course it needed a companion so ended up with 2 females and of course the feral males came a calling and several litters later I forked out the coin to get them fixed....seems to have fixed the mouse and rat problems that have plagued the property for many years....the chooks seem to be able to fend off the cats but I have seen a mallard duck and a pheasant dragged home as well as many rabbits including adults...thrush's, wax eyes and blackbirds seem to be the main diet...I have never really understood why the feral cats have never kept the mice and rats from the sheds.
I don't see similarity between cats and dogs.
Dogs have Masters Cats have Slaves.
Even domestic cats kill of a night etc.
If people want them , look after them. I'm not sure what qualities they have as I am not a Cat person. I have a dog, the family dog.
Dogs are loyal and just want to be with us because we care for them. I've shot Wild dogs where they truly are wild and where they are shot as pests.
I don't want to eat cats or dogs.
i have a bumper sticker on my car, i love cats they taste like chicken
First responders can vouch for the mantra "Dogs have mates, cats have staff" If an old person dies alone in a house, their dog is usually found beside them. if its a cat they are usually looking well fed and the deceased is looking a little worse for wear:o
It's a controversial topic to some! CATS.
It's not that I can't handle the fall out, my skin is water proof.
Nor is it tall poppy to post something, given the numbers are in the hundreds.
I just quietly go about my job in pest control. I've posted here and there on a couple of our well known forum main articles from time to time to encourage others to take some care in there areas.
Most of the pests that we are cleaning up are after some human got a good idea thinking.
The rabbit plagues of past saw all sorts of witty inventions. Stoats weasels ferrets cats.
Infact documented release of 400 cats in one go to help against the rabbit plague.
I now run the policy no collar, its a pest and given some of the areas that we work it's a judgment call.
Cleaning up after man is a continual process and will continue even after I finish my course as it has with others.
Seen a couple of feral cats out there, definitely not pets. Really big hard-looking felines.
Must remember that approach:wtfsmilie:
Had the misfortune to find a cat inside my garage, where I had a lovely bit of veni hanging from the rafters. As I entered through the side door I saw it and slammed the door, and went off to get the 22, loaded with shorts.
Bloody cat was a mind reader. It knew the deal. So when I came back it proceeded to to destroy the inside of the garage, gluing itself to all four walls through centrifugal action, and binning pots of taps and dies, drill bits, pots of paint fishing lines etc etc, throwing them off the shelves and onto the floor:omg:
A flounder net eventually slowed it up, followed by a bit of lead centre of mass.
Little bastards. Took ages to get the garage back into shape, and clean off the cat piss and shite it ejected whilst circumnavigating the walls of my garage.
I've never had time for cats. ever since my Gran's obese cat killed my pet bunny when I was 12 years old:O_O:
(The lack of a collar isn't a good indicator, Mauser308.)
Given the area I am in, some folks think it's s a good thing to drop the cat off in some attempt of humanity, in a semi rural setting.
Won't spend money at the vet for the blue needle, but will have it fixed for being released.
Then there is the problem the cat now knows what a cage or a box is and your are not likely to get them back into one.
This also brings about the problem of people they are used to and likely to avoid, but will sit and watch you from a distance.
The cat takes about three weeks to live off the land! if they have been a little old ladys cat living on only steak all it's life and in less than 3 months will be fully feral.
I can personal vouch for the above.
No collar is my ruling, unless its known to me and then its a conscience vote depending what it's doing.
Trouble is there's no shortage of replacements.
I saw another 3 in the small hours of today and I now have this clean up and to deal with as well, cage is out but more likely the 223 or the 17hmr for clean up.
I said before a sensitive subject.
I know a fellow close by me who decided to post on Facebook his cat kills, well in the end death threats and drive by, letter box taken to.
He ended up removing himself from Facebook. I know its not the smart thing social media. This also may or may not be a good place to post about your moggy work.
Twenty five years ago out the door was the last time I could hear the morepork.
Part of the plus of pest control is the sound of the bush, but still no morepork, stoats mainly the problem for this, but have seen cats 40 feet up.
I think that the cost of the blue needle at the vet should be subsidised for cats. But that's a different subject in some ways.
Most I come across would want homes for them, trouble is a cat has many homes and many snack bars on their way over to their nexted adoption.
A forum member who will remain nameless, thought their cat had died, only to turn up for Christmas.
Where it was! they must have gone on holiday and when the food went low home it went sort of.
Got the local Morepork population about the house up to about 6 now. Shoot every cat that steps on the property. They are not here for the scenery
I have these guys in shed at home.
Zero tolerance on felines and rodents, thats why we still have them.
Attachment 183943
Yes ,free range.
Don't see them often, usually when I'm doing firewood.
I have to agree, just cannot see the point in trapping them, neutering them and then returning them into the wild !!!!
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I have a favor to ask.
I like cats and dogs, and horses. I have old cats, for over 10 years they only caught few sparrows, bigger birds they would like to watch but never made a move.
So if you gents believe cats is the major threat to native bird, have to shoot them on sight. Please bury them. How much for a possum worth? 8 dollars? How about I pay you 3 for each you buried, a thanks from me and them so that they could return to their home planet. Just email evidence, and your bank account. Do `t know how long I could continue. This covid really cost me a lots, but I like to do something beyond.
Thank you
my parents had a cat when i was younger ma saved it as a stray in the bakery we worked in (was going to be dispatched with a spade ) anyway i was pulling in the driveway one y and here it was stalking a seagull along the roof ridgeline...... it latched on to the gull just as it took flight ,, obviously had an oh fuck moment cos it let go just before the gull cleared the roof
Quite proud of this one - shot him in full flight with the .22mag as he sprinted across an open paddock heading for cover. He never made it :D
Attachment 184335
The 'shit' on the fore end is reinforced tape to protect the fore end from damage. On this property there are a lot of well weathered hardwood tree stumps (Maire I believe) that we used as shooting positions and the tops of these stumps (end grain spikes) will tear the bark off you and your gun.
I come across the odd big feral when out pest shooting rabbit on a few orchards.
Here's the most recent one.
@GWH the closeup at the end and dramatic (gladiator type) music made me chuckle. Good one
In the news...
^ In the manawatu and wanganuni people are shooting cats and not doing the job properly..
Using slug guns/air rifles and the cats are making their way home for the owners to deal with them.
Not condoning shooting cats with air rifles but make sure you have a 100% kill shot and dispatch them properly so the owner doesnt contact the press and say
'gun owners are bad , they shot my cat' !
Mind you , people moving into the country and subdivisions dont realise what damage the cats are doing to the wild life , and dont understand why cats are hammered by farmers.
Just my 2 cents.
@Jusepy, very good point and something I fully agree with. Unfortunately kids shooting cats with air rifles has been around for as long as, well, air rifles.
Head shots only with a .22LR subsonic would also be a very sensible approach, especially if you are using solids. Be very mindful that this can also go badly wrong.
You may recall the story / thread about the Taumarunui cat was shot on the golf course by the groundsman. That whole thing turned extremely toxic on Facebook, though ultimately no police action was taken against the groundsman.
However there has been a number of subsequent posts on that group page with x-rays of pet cats full of pellets and one with shrapnel from an unknown projectile. Needless to say this has fuelled the ire of the ignorant cat owners.
Despite having shot my last couple of feral cats with the .22LR, I fat prefer the instant splattery of the .223 with a frangible 50 grain varmint bullet at 3400 FPS.
I can assure you they do not get up from that.
17hmr is good for cats, ive got a few with mine
Lol exploding cats.
Man there’s some big ones out there!
Awesome skins on some as well, if you can get past the smell.:sick:
For those that are interested they smell very similar to lion. Been up close to a couple of wild tranquillised lions and they fear pong.
As for skins when in the far north on a pig hunt we arrived late at night so sat in the working mans quarters and got stuck into a few beers.
It turned into quite the party and at one stage my mate who was working there stood up and walked towards the living room door which was shut.
He put his fingers to his lips and shush us bends down and we’re all looking. There’s this cats tail poking out under the door he grabs it facing away from us and pulls we can here the cat kicking of meowing and pop out comes this cats skin:XD:
Being all half cut it took a second for the penny to drop:O_O::thumbsup::XD: