Must remember that approach
Had the misfortune to find a cat inside my garage, where I had a lovely bit of veni hanging from the rafters. As I entered through the side door I saw it and slammed the door, and went off to get the 22, loaded with shorts.
Bloody cat was a mind reader. It knew the deal. So when I came back it proceeded to to destroy the inside of the garage, gluing itself to all four walls through centrifugal action, and binning pots of taps and dies, drill bits, pots of paint fishing lines etc etc, throwing them off the shelves and onto the floor
A flounder net eventually slowed it up, followed by a bit of lead centre of mass.
Little bastards. Took ages to get the garage back into shape, and clean off the cat piss and shite it ejected whilst circumnavigating the walls of my garage.
I've never had time for cats. ever since my Gran's obese cat killed my pet bunny when I was 12 years old
