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Thread: Finally did it...kind of

  1. #1
    Member jord's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Finally did it...kind of

    What a trip.

    2 amazing days out in Gods own enjoying some choice scenery, good company and great hunting...well kind of.

    We left the car park with about an hours daylight - my friend Jono and I knew the area well and were taking 2 friends with us. We stalked on the way in and glassed some good areas but didn't see any animals....or hear any roaring but there was plenty of sign and it's late April so we were still hopeful.

    We ran into two angry trampers about 20 minutes shy of the hut who said they had been turned away from the hut....we decided to try our luck anyway....expecting to be met by angry pig hunters we were met by a couple fathers and their teenagers who were more than hospitable. There was a bed shortage but better than sleeping outside - although big Matty didn't enjoy the floor very much. However they did cook and gave us some of their bacon in the morning! Luxury! A highlight of the trip was crossing paths with these folk. They were interested in the rifles - so after triple checking they were unloaded showed them the ins and outs of our gear. We even let some of them pose for a photo with them.
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    We set out mid morning heading for some clearings and streams we knew of and tried a couple new areas. Sign for africa but no animals yet.

    3 of us steamed up to the tops and enjoyed a late lunch while Jono headed back from a bit of a nap as he was tramping with his wife the night before! -

    It was mild and overcast but what a view from the top. There was a cool circle of tarns up there too. Photos definitely don't do it justice.
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    We hunted creeks and bush for the rest of the day then after a quick cuppa back at the hut made our way out leaving with about an hour of daylight left.

    Right on last light I spotted movement across a large stream we were crossing. "Bugger me it's a stag Dave" I had a peek through the scope and he was a big boy.
    I'd guess about 180m but it's hard to pace over big rocks and even more difficult to gauge distance in low light.
    He was facing us then he turned side on and looked away. 10-12 pointer, again hard to count in low light with not much time before taking a shot but great body mass.
    I came down to my knee on the rocks and he looked at me again - following his front leg up with the cross-hair and checking ...BOOMPHAA. One 130g round into his chest - perhaps a bit far back but he stumbled and his front legs nearly buckled - good shot I thought but I fed another one up the spout just in case.
    Before I could blink he jumped down a rocky bank and bolted, although not at a great rate of knots he was soon heading into bush - when he was definitely out of sight we moved in...adrenaline is quite something.

    On the radio from the other boys I hear "possum, rabbit or deer?"
    "deer" "Big one" I said
    "righto we're coming over"

    Dave and I looked at where we best thought we last saw him but found nothing. When the others joined us from the other side of the valley all 4 us of searched for a good amount of time finding his tracks but no stag. Not even blood.

    We searched as best we could scanning the whole river bed and as much bush and mud for any sign but his tracks ended and we found nothing.

    We made the call and left the spot - with work the next day it was sad to leave but what can you do?

    From an ethical point of view I'm happy with taking the shot and am convinced he would have died soon after.

    I'm gutted - my first stag and he got away, I still experienced some of the rush but it's incomplete.

    Cheers to the boys for searching and for the company. Still a great trip out in the best country in the world.

    All that aside, that's hunting and I'll be going back at it next week...
    Last edited by jord; 24-04-2014 at 01:54 PM.
    veitnamcam, Munsey, JoshC and 5 others like this.

  2. #2
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Good stuff Jord,shame about loosing the stag.
    jord likes this.
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  3. #3
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    Did you hear the bullet impact? Did he obviously jump or stumble? Didn't run off hunch backed indicating gut shot? If so, I wouldn't be surprised if your stag is dead there somewhere. I'd definitely go back and have another good look, he may be a bit smelly by now. A few years ago the same thing happened to me, I found the stags skeleton and antlers in the fern a couple of years later. I'd walked past him a couple of times while searching for him, and hadn't seen him.

    Nice report though, thanks. Huge adrenalin hit when you get an opportunity to shoot a stag in a scenario like that eh!?.

    Not wanting to be the "firearm handling police" and noting you mentioned empty guns etc in the write up, but maybe next time, especially with newbies, open bolts and fingers off triggers for photo shoots
    Gapped axe, Scouser and jord like this.
    I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.

  4. #4
    Member jord's Avatar
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    Finally did it...kind of

    Yeah I heard the thud but sounded more chesty than gutty. He stumbled more than was startled by the sound.

    A huge rush though - will definitely be having a nosey when I go back.

    Re the photo - Fair call - the mags were out and weapons clear before but what you say is good practice.

    Cheers Josh and VC.
    Last edited by jord; 24-04-2014 at 02:05 PM.

  5. #5
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Sounds like a good trip Jord, nice write up too.....hope you find him, sounds like you took your time over the shot, unlucky mate!!!!!
    jord likes this.
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

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  6. #6
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jord View Post
    Yeah I heard the thud but sounded more chesty than gutty. He stumbled more than was startled by the sound.

    A huge rush though - will definitely be having a nosey when I go back.
    Yeah a gut shot sounds more hollow, and they usually run hunched up a bit. Normally if its a clean miss they won't respond immediately, they'll hesitate then run. If he stumbled I'd say a fairly good chest shot. They can go a long way with a hole in their heart! Really hope you find him when you go back mate!
    veitnamcam and jord like this.
    I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.

  7. #7
    Member jord's Avatar
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    So do I Josh! Yeah - I have shot plenty of other animals before just not a stag so am confident it hit home. I will let y'all know if I find it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Good read thanks, Pain when that happens, just one question how did you get the same guy twice in the photo? or are they twins?
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  9. #9
    Member subs's Avatar
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    Go back in 2 weeks time with a lab, he will lead you straight to it
    jord likes this.

  10. #10
    Member Nathan F's Avatar
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    Deep South
    Better spots than behind the anti crow.......Keep walking further up

  11. #11
    Member Proneshooter's Avatar
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    The Naki Baby!
    Pity about the stag but full marks for the positive interaction with the trampers Just the sort of thing we need more of I reckon.
    Maca49, Scouser and jord like this.

  12. #12
    Member sako75's Avatar
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    Agree with the comments on interacting with hut mates. Wonder what was wrong with the first ones you met
    Damn shame about the stag. Hope you find him
    Great pics. Thanks for posting
    jord likes this.

  13. #13
    Member jord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    Good read thanks, Pain when that happens, just one question how did you get the same guy twice in the photo? or are they twins?
    How do you mean?

    Sent from my Browning

  14. #14
    Member jord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by subs View Post
    Go back in 2 weeks time with a lab, he will lead you straight to it
    Pooch will be coming next time for a scout yes!

    Sent from my Browning

  15. #15
    Member jord's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathan F View Post
    Better spots than behind the anti crow.......Keep walking further up
    I know. But when taking unfit friends who don't normally hunt this was a good option! Is the crow much better than anti crow I've heard mixed ?

    Sent from my Browning
    Nathan F likes this.



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