There has been a bit of evidence over the more recent years, eg Hair, foot prints way to big for the biggest Red deer, those Trail Camera pictures which show a different color and the hump on the shoulder, and the distinct brows lines at heights (7 odd feet high)to high for reds along with the way they strip a branch. ( They grab the branch and run it through there mouth stripping the leaves and twigs off) The name Moose is "Twig Eater" so I was told.
I for one would love to find them and have more introduced as they are a magnificent animal, what are left need to be protected and built up to a small viable herd.
I'd love to hunt/shoot one but not in this country.
Another candidate for my 416.
Was reading a storey last night , surprising how many people have spent time in there looking for them came across mention of what was believed to be moose sign in the hauroko burn along with cham around lake roe , will check it out one day always wanted to head up there .
The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017
Fiordland a bloody big patch of thick bush, I reckon the herd of moose is hiding out with the last flock of Moa![]()
Ray Tinsleys book “Call of the Moose” is one of my favourite reads. Must have read it 5/6 times.
Next to “Call of the Wapiti”.
I am one that dose believe there still there!
You can poo poo it all you like. Every one says hey where is the evidences. But if you look at the high brows lines then it’s more on the ones that disbelieve to prove there not there.
In “Call of the Moose” Ray hears one calling across the water of the sounds. He spends three days getting over to the other side. He doesn’t have a boat so has to go over the tops. He gets there and stalks right down to the beach here he follows the tracks of the Moose along the beach till they disappear into the water around a bluff. It’s getting on towards dusk and so he turns to look for a camp site when he hears the call of that Moose! It’s coming from the other side of the sound! The other side where he was three days ago!
Other people say hey why didn’t the ground hunters get them. Well they where only after deer not Moose. Big difference in hunting between the two. Look at the last trophy and who shot it! A deer culler on a bush mans holiday! They got a cow on there second trip and a bull on there third, there first trip they walked in. They were there to hunt moose not deer! They also had vast stalking experience with huge tally’s of deer under there belts. Along with the experience of living in the bush year round.
So guys the challenge is still there. Maybe one of the last great hunts to be had WITH A CAMERA! Me I could not bring myself to shoot something so rear.
Good luck to all those that have a go and still believe.![]()
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
can moose interbreed with deer?
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
I briefly knew Ray and shared several classes at school with his daughter. He was in the Bad Blood movie about Stan Graham iirc
He came to the high school once and talked about his 2 books, hunting and firearms.
I couldn't ever see that happening in todays snowflake society.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
R93 what area are you going to be hunting Moose, US or Canada?