Remember the most important thing when sighting a "new" introduced species... Do not let the department of C.... know about it...
There could well be a breeding pair still alive, but they only live for 20-25 years roughly. The clock is ticking if not the case.
Would I shoot one if I saw it? Nah, just let it walk on by knowing you saw it.
Bunji parachuted onto it's back and wrestled it to submission,that's going to make plenty of salami
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Mate shot the last one a couple of weeks ago nah
I'm sure I saw some in Hagley park last time I was down that way.
Happy Jack.
I personally love the story of fiordland moose.
And think it would be an amazing place to have them.
Now has anyone got stories of pig and pigeon island giant eels in lake wakatipu?
I had a couple of stories growing up from people who did not bs and never went back in the water there.
Never saw one myself but some old heads had a few stories.
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@MCCPRO Not Lake Wakatipu,
Inangahua River 1930s.
17 Mile, Westcoast
Yip Im talking about lake wakatipu.
Growing up there heard a few stories over the years of a stonker of an eel around the islands.
Didnt really believe the tales until our neighbor in the early 90s went out water-skiing with his mates one of them wiped out and white as aghost said he saw a huuge eel and subsequently avoided the water for the rest of the day. Anyway Old Andy didnt believe them and got dropped off on either pig or pigeon island cant remember for a bit of fishing.
After a couple of hours into the evening his line got caught on what he thought was submerged log until the flaming log did a 180 disturbing the water and swam off he said he nearly fell out off the ledge he was fishing from not from a hook up but from disbelief!
Anyways no proof but he was an honest bloke.
A few locals in the past had sightings of a big eel in the past down there.
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Back in the 70’s I saw a photo of the midriff of a tramper that had been walking along the track from George Sound and he had to wade through the track past Lake Katherine (the track gets quite flooded after heavy rain - was up to the bottom of my pack the time I was there) and the tramper got grabbed by a giant eel, the photo showed dozens of small tooth marks in a ‘D’ shape on his back and on his stomach.
Must have been one big mutha of an eel!
‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’
Here is me chasing one up on Mt Dunblane whilst living in Hanmer Springs.
Happy Jack.
Wow @Happy Jack, you have a remarkable resemblance to an old mate I used to hunt with years ago. Are you wearing a loincloth under that beard ?
More to the point - did you end up nailing that Moose ??