Qucik trip to Wanganui for three of us. Left Fri 5.00pm .Arrived at hut 11.35 pm pitch black and fell into the beds.
Early start and big walk then The midget gets a longish shot away 350 mtrs and we,re on the board.
Me turns round afetr wed collected out gear to go sort it and theres a 2 yr old looking at me.
Day pack on just standing there and it bolts. Up with the rifle and 6 bangs later Im thinking Im in the shit here slow down
think about it relax bang .It drops like a stone and the boys were impressed cos it was fair goin for it..
So the new gun shot better than the user there for sure.
Coupla of 200 mtr goats as well so all happy.
Midgets Cousin (awesome butcher does all our deer etc) came along this trip and used Midgets 300 Win mag
You dont survive that shit up close ....
Awesome quick trip. Four deer first blood for new toy all happy
Shot of the trip Magpie 300 + mtrs dialed in verses 300Win Mag maggy lost .