Alright, post up photos of your first deer, with a bit of a story.
Here’s mine. Back in July 1987 I went on a Waikato NZDA organised hunt. We headed in to Waihaha in Pureora. I tagged along with Phil and his GSP Jacques. We left camp on a wet day. We ended up stalking up a gully with Jacques winding away. Soon a yearling walked across above us and Phil shot it. We were only 30min from camp so we took it back, had a bit to eat then headed out again.
I was in front this time and after awhile came over a small rise to see a deer standing about 40m away. I yanked the trigger and missed with the first shot. It took a few steps and stopped looking back. My second shot was a better one and the deer ran off.
We went over to where the deer had been and I asked Phil if we should look for blood but he said just to follow the dog. About 50m later here was the deer lying on the ground. First trip deer stalking and I shot one. Took 4 years to get my second.