LMFAO!! You have been sharp as, for the last few weeks. Staggys still goin at your place?
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Ladies, let's keep focused here :P
Can we pls not suggest "sexy" calibers such as 260 or anything ending in AI to newbies... Not really fair to saddle them with instant reloading burden as well...
Basically anything that you can buy ammo for at the local RD1, and that will drop a deer, yup ? So 243, 7mm08, 308 etc.
I am happy to be corrected but you and I are the only people I know on this forum that have .260 AI's Jas. Mine come about because I overloaded a standard .260 a bit much:D It is a small family as far as cals go and not really a starters calibre. Standard .260 however, is an ideal starter cal IMO
Someone that knows what they are doing as far as polls go, should set one up and run it for at least 3 weeks. A poll for calibre, make and model of rifle and decent but not too expensive glass.
I thought that you could start your own poll??? Its probably lucky ya cant as id be the first one putting best whorehouse polls up for every main city in new zealand:D I know anyway just wanted to gauge intrest:thumbs:.small family indeed Dave but im going to bet in a year that whanau will of expanded quite a bit!!! dont you? i havent even got close to testing my one to its limits and it bloody rocks!!!!!............they will come dave.......they will come my freind:cool::beer::beer::beer::beer:
ok................................................ ........this one time I wore a hardhat and....................................nah ill tell you that one in person.
An Indian biker cop!????is there such a thing..........................excuse me sidr!!! bud you seem to have do much cuddy in your buttar chicken!.Aww jokes..... just incase there is a tree hugging dirt wisperer out ther whos offended by that.
That one drifted a bit off target Jas, I must have wound on right wind instead of left. The Village People were a bit before your time I spose?;)
Twas the costumes
how are you going a lot to sift through here ah! About the best I can add is most rifles out there today are going to do everything you need and some its just a matter of shouldering as many as you can and find one that is comfortable for you! I would consider open sights to, may ease the budget for a while and get ya scope later, they are always a good backup too should you damage a scope in the field later on. Scopes again look through as many as possible ideally on a dull day as they all look good on a bright day. As far as calibre go for readily available.... .243, .308, .270, 30-06 to name a few. There will always be an argument out there as to one calibre being better over another. good luck on your decision.
Good comment right there.
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Or eaten.... a chuff like a wizard sleave i heard:D
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What are .243's like?
Look up the 243s useless thread....
Theyre not useless.
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You didn't just bring the village people into it!! :o
That cuts deep.
One of the most important factors for me when looking at rifles is the trigger, every rifle you shoulder you should give it a dry fire while trying to hold aim on something safe.
Calibre wise I think you can't go wrong with the .308. Plenty of punch, plenty of range, plenty available at a good price. Sure lots of other calibres are better in different areas but the .308 is just an awesome all rounder.
Most rifles come with a fully adjustable trigger these days. And from factory they will be set heavy. 30bucks at your local smiths will make MOST triggers alot better than off the shelf.
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If you haven't figured it out yet mate people just tell you what they like and the only people who are wrong are the ones who run down what others said.
Personally I think anything would work great but my opinion would be to go with either a tikka t3, sako A7, howa 1500 or an underrated gun in my books the marlin XS7.
Caliber - really its just what takes your fancy. Personally given the game you're chasing and the fact that you're new to big game hunting I would err on the side of caution and get something bigger (not monstorous). Now 223, 22-250 and 243 will do the job well if you put in a good shot but if you don't you'll end up losing a lot more deer. Go with a 30-06, 300wsm or even a 7wsm and you've got a bit of assurance and they definately aren't over kill. In fact in aus the 7mm is just over the legal minimum for deer.
people will tell you smaller calibres kill just as easy with correct placement and yes that's true but if you look at it like that way a .22 will do the same. I personally prefer bigger calibers because I realise as hard as I try I fuck up and won't always hit things right. And I won't cause an animal pain for the sake of an ego I.e. the argument for smaller calibres as they do the job big ones do if you hit them right everytime. I know a bloke who hunts reds with a 22-250 (illegally yes) and doesn't believe that I have only ever lost one deer. Its because when you miss hit a deer (which is inevitable for everyone including you mate) with a bigger calibre its hits so much harder and can still put it down. And its not like we're talking about 458 or 505 Gibbs here haha just a good 30 cal.
I've shot deer with a 243, 223 and 270. But there is no way id go back from my 300wm for red stags in the rut and sambar now.
Anyway mate this is just my opinion, make sure you consider your own before getting something
For a scope swarovski Z6.... Ha nah you can't go wrong with a redfield, meopta or leupold.
I'd personally just get a leupold vx-II - good scope and lifetime warranty. I have a VX-III and VX-R and theyre great especially the vxr
How much shooting have you actually done Dylan?
My thought's are 243 is for those that have done a fair amount and know how to use them. Even then they should pass up the marginal shots, for a first rifle I'd get a calibre that's a bit more forgiving.
I think its a balance between different types of forgiving - I know quite a few newer shooters struggle to maintain accuracy with harder kicking rifles/calibres as they don't have the experience with recoil management etc. So I'd say the best calibre for someone is one they can shoot accurately thats also big enough for the intended game. No point having something forgiving in terms of killing power if its not forgiving in terms of you being able to shoot it - a gutshot deer will run even with a superultramagnumcannonthing.
+1 if you looking at moving up from a .22 to something bigger surely the worst advice you can give to someone is to go out and get a cannon (ie 3006 300 mag , 338 etc. So many people are put off with recoil with big bangers that it effects there shooting badly.(esp first timers) Saying something like a 243 is better for good shooters and you should go for a cannon instead as you have more room for error is just plain dumb! Doesnt matter what you use but you should be able to shoot it well, and for a first gun surely you like to be shooting within 200m and use something you feel good with then if you inclined move up to something bigger. I find it no difference really than getting a bike licence, you certainly would be a fool in getting a 1300cc for your first bike straight away. And as a side note a 243 has plenty of room for error, havnt had one deer or animal escape yet when hit and all my shots havnt been always the best. 100 gr and fed powershok will knock most things over no prob even if slightly of target
When did a .30-06 become a cannon? It is not even classed as a magnum!
I feel it is an ideal starting calibre, out of all calibres a .30-06, .308, 7mm-08 would be the calibres I would be considering.
+1 on the 30-06 not being a cannon haha I've heard it all before though, my old man was the same, put me off for years I was literally too scared to try a 300wm until I was 19 and I was still hesitant and afterwards I thought is that it? So went out and got one.
As for the argument of "booting guns" I think you only ever feel it on the bench and if its on your mind as your lining up a big stag I really believe you shouldnt be taking the life of such a beautiful animal because you're heart ain't in it.
Lmao, thats the whole point isnt it, when you get your first gun or any gun for that matter you have to take it to the range and sight it and feel good about how it shoots and how you shoot with it. if the only thing you fired is a .22 and you go out and get a 3006 or something bigger lots of people after a couple of so shots at the range will have a flinch, and it will effect there shooting badly. More likely the rifle wont be sighted as good as it should as after getting the recoil flinch close enough is good enough . Then they go out with with the mental thinking that i got a big banger, anywhere near is good enough and boom away they go. You lose just as many animals, maybe more with a big caliber with poor shot placement than a smaller caliber with better shot placement. Of cause im talking about newbys with little experence with firearms , surely starting off with something more user friendly is the way to go. 243 up to a 7mm-08 must be a good start, then move up to something bigger if you want. Only saying this as i know 4 people who did what is just being suggested by some on here, they went with a 270 or bigger for there first gun and put one of shooting completely, and the other 3 couldnt hit a barn door after getting the recoil flinch and even took them awhile to get the confidence to shoot a 243 well after such a experence. Doesnt happen to everyone but it can happen to people, better off starting out with something like a 243, you become a better shooter for itr anyway
Yeah this is a good option, a few years ago lost all my rifles in a barn fire, bought a Mossberg 270 with a cheap scope and the first 2 shots at 90 meters produced 2 hinds from this bore sighted combo and it served its purpose for 3 years until getting another A-bolt
So.......what have you decided on DP? your young its your choice there are atleast 10 more rifles you will buy in your lifetime if you chose to. so get what you want and learn to shoot it no matter what calibre once you know how to shoot it it will be deadly.go hard mate.