Nothing is tough about having a 70 lb bow and looking like an uncoordinated praying mantis while trying to draw it back.
[QUOTE=Boar Freak;1039942]Will there be anything left worth flying in for?
Never been to SI, have been planning my first Tahr/Cham trip this summer for over a year now. This control program took a bit of the wind out of me sails.[/QUOTE
Iv always wanted to go for a chammy over on the west coast hopefully they have left them alone ? , its a bit more rugged over there compared to the vast openness of the east coast country so likely there will be a few Tahr left down in the scrub & bush too though chammy will be the main target .
The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017
@Boar Freak hopefully some one will point you in the right direction. I have know been down there twice and been lucky with spots both times. First place has now been shot and where i was going to go back around nelson lakes is to be 1080. Out side of the 1080 zone south of the lakes will still be worth a look.
I really wanted to go back next year but waiting to see what happens
Boar fellas dont realise just how good we have had it for last 10 years.... during the 80s and 90s when I was teaching myself to hunt...spooking a deer every 3rd trip was good going..... when you remember how many tahr were originally released,you will realise that if only a few survive they will breed back up again if the slaughter stops...and if it doesnt they will go bush,and stay there..... Greg Duley made comment in magazine last year that the chopper operators targeting deer were amazed at how easy it was as they were targeting 2nd generation of animals who DIDNT know to run away or hide from can bet it wont be so easy next spring,the oler hinds will have learnt and lead others to safety...... the tahr will learn too.
not sure just how low the numbers of these big hairy goats got before Andersen and co got moratorium sorted to save them last time...but pretty sure it wouldve been below 10k
I wonder if there pulling out was due to additional overseas pressure put on Alpine by hunting groups such as sci etc....??????
Boar freak, go for it mate. Can assure you during early 80,s you could spend a week in the likes of the Rangitata valleys and consider yourself lucky to see 2 or 3 tahr....
Its just a smoke screen. They done their part in the cull and are only trying to con hunters like DOC do to the NZDA and GAC.
They dont feel bad, they just trying to drum up business for the future. Dont fall for this BS, Dont use any of these ""ïll sell my mother of a quick buck"" cowboys
Particularly low form of pond scum if they’ve done most of their hours, then try to con people by saying “they’ve pulled out”. Fuck em
Maybe the thar foundation can have list of approved operators that don’t participate with approval to show a logo or something
Nothing is tough about having a 70 lb bow and looking like an uncoordinated praying mantis while trying to draw it back.