I wonder if @Goosebayhunter has been potted yet ?
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I wonder if @Goosebayhunter has been potted yet ?
Is it?
An off-duty West Coast policeman seen out hunting last weekend — days after the country moved into the Covid-19 level 4 lockdown and a national warning for hunters to stay home — has been given a ticking off by his boss.
"The staff member in question has been spoken to and reminded of our expectations in regards to adhering to those restrictions."
So the guy isnt real, the event didnt happen, and his boss lied when she said she has spoken to the staff member in question?Quote:
It was later revealed the man, who was also seen putting a deer into the boot of his car, was off-duty police officer Neil Gillespie.
Sorry, I dont know where your other thread is (at this time).
Hunting should be banned on the West Coast anyway.
The cop for doing it and the nark for sobbing him in.
Either I mucked up or you didnt read my post right. Never said it didnt happen.
As I stated "regarding the incident."
But all articles I have read are full of blatant lies and inaccuracies and its probably to be expected, seeing their source is from a compalaint that someone who's hunting spot he was in, had made on facebook.
Flame away if it appeases anyone. There are extenuating circumstances that could have had anyone of us in the same boat.
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"The media has printed genuine lies "
I have been banging on about this for 15 years and its only just recently some are starting to see the Media for what it is
I also do not agree with blaming their reportage BS on Social Media sites etc (not @R93 stating such)
They (main stream Media) use social media when its convenient to blame conspiracy etc or that those groups are more guilty of spreading "Fake News" etc
Its manufactured by MS Media for a reason
Political gain
Click bait - for profit
Control of the masses
Maybe I read you wrong, I took it from "The media has printed genuine lies regarding the incident.". that as it was lies, it didnt happen.
But now you are saying that you never said that it didnt happen.
So yes, I misread you and am confused. So what parts of it are lies, there doesnt seem to be much to the story, but maybe Im missing something.
There is no photograph at all for one ( I can see the original facebook post and comments). The only evidence provided is the word of a person the media has chosen not to name. It's obvious the article is designed to incite anger toward the police.
There's a bunch of people on here complaining about the goverment being authoritarian or communists and yet being OK with publicly naming and shaming someone without a scrap of actual evidence.
The irony is that the police have used discretion and said they were giving people warnings if caught, not naming them on nation wide media.
This is not directed at anyone in particular but I can see there is no point in trying to elaborate on this. I will leave the poor bugger to be flamed by people that believe the media as gospel.
Yes he made a mistake and went hunting. There are heaps of lies by the media regarding the incident and imo only to fan flames on it. Its obvious.
But as I said, regarding the circumstances, if shoe was on the other foot it would/could have likely happened to anyone in the same situation. Not just a cop.
I'll leave it there.
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The off duty officer has been named in the media - many will know him? The farmer reported him. The officer spoken to by his boss. Seems simple on the face of it?
Shit now you fellas are going to set up road blocks to stop people sneaking over to poach your spots at Easter, make sure you keep the media out too :D
Lucky I didn't have any power. I would form my own country and you would need a passport issued at the Kaniere or Kokatahi pub to step foot on the coast.
All firearms and boats confiscated on entry and God help ya if you kill a mozzie or sandfly. You will be shot at dawn the next day with balls of shit from our famous swimming baths.
Kill multiple (ie serial killer) and your legacy will be tarnished by being shot with a 243 or 270 knowing full well after you run off for a couple hundred yards and sulk you will have to live with the shame.
Fuck it. I'm running for mayor and soon after that I will be President of Westlandstan.
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Westcoast checkpoint.
Attachment 135329
Models in shops next week marketed by Labour Govt.
Attachment 135330