1 Attachment(s)
First kill on private land
Young lad at our work invited a couple of us out to knock some goats over this evening. Perfect for me being new to hunting so off we went way up the top of the farm, plenty of goats around. Just as we got lined up the cloud rolled over the hill and obscured everything.
Trudging back to the house we spotted a small group low down in a steep gully, the others offered me the chance to take the shot so I lined up the 22.250 on the billy, not easy due to the steepness of the terrain and the first time ever lining up on a live animal (other than the odd hare or magpie with the .22LR). Boom damn that things loud without a suppressor and the billy takes off head down as do several nannies we hadn't seen, pretty sure I hit it and the others think so too so I scramble down the bank and sure enough 10m from where I shot it is billy lying stone dead.
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