As promised here is a quick skinny on my first fox with the bow.
We had been calling all weekend with little luck only having seen one fox even slightly interested in the call. I was beginning to feel like travelling two hours to hunt an animal that lives on my doorstep at home possibly wasnt worth even if they were twice as dense here! We decided to try one last spot, a lone tree about 150 metres from the bush edge. The bush rising into a gentle hill about 50 metres in height and littered with boulders and eucalypts. This place did have meaning to me as it was the place where I had missed the very first fox I tried to shoot with a bow about six months before at only 9 metres (went to water).
Kenny called with the scotchy and within 30 seconds two dogs could be seen heading our way, a mature one and about 100 metres behind a pup from this year. The mature red dog came into about 100 metres and stopped gazing across the landscape with eyes fixed on our location - the location of her next meal she thought. We remained motionless crouched under the tree and Kenny whispered from behind the rangefinders "100 metres - lets squeak her". He pouted his lips and began mouse squeaking and instantly she broke into a run straight for us. Kenny read out "26 metres, draw back" as she still come in closer. At about 15 metres away and still running it was clear that she wasn't going to stop so Kenny waved his arm and yelled out "hey stop stop" but she kept running and looking through the sights all I could see was a blur as she kept on running so I released. I heard the thud and she rolled over a couple of times before running off and expiring about 100 metres away at the bush edge. We stepped it out at 4 metres for the shot. and closer inspection revealed that she was that old that she had no teeth and was very skinny. This no doubt was what made her so eager to believe that there was a rabbit or mouse there for her.
My mate Kenny I was with is just starting up his taxidermy business and although no one in NZ would need him you should have a look at his stuff on facebook because I think he's great for a young bloke of 23. Called "Ballarat Taxidermy". As a promotion for his business he is shoulder mounting my fox for me. So I'll post a pic of when its done.
Happy hunting,