Bit of scare mongering going on in the media, maybe... but what a mess if we did get it in NZ.
The question is, what would happen if FnM then found its way into the wild... Deer, Goats, Chamoi, Thar... we could never be rid of it..... or would we?
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Bit of scare mongering going on in the media, maybe... but what a mess if we did get it in NZ.
The question is, what would happen if FnM then found its way into the wild... Deer, Goats, Chamoi, Thar... we could never be rid of it..... or would we?
Yup, goodbye all dairy exports, meat trade, everything.
we def do not want it here.
Be afraid, very afraid. Remember what happened in Britain. They basically killed all cloven hoofed animals, unlike France and other European countries. We’ll probably follow the same protocol as GB did way back then. Something to look forward to.
If it happened, I think that would more or less be the end of game animals in NZ. It would give the government legitimacy to exterminate everything by any means necessary.
We have had a dose here back in the 70s,guessing. Pig farm at Temuka I dug the hole to bury them.When they released the plant,while loading the farmer reckoned the morning feed was to hot but he called it in anyway.Dont know whether it was confirmed F&M.
I remember as a teenager, the Federated Farmers did an exercise on our farm. At that time, they estimated it would take 80 wagons of coal to burn the carcasses (5,000 sheep, 400 cattle). No idea if that was an accurate ratio or not.
The new $400 raised fine at airports for bring in pork etc isn't enough. $1000 minimum and if your bags are full off food see you later. Should be like this any way. We are a bunch off soft cocks in NZ.
Also if foot and mouth comes a shore there will be a blanket cull on all game animals private and public land.
you want have to worry about ammo shortage there will be none
I remember the pig farm out of Temuka and FnM.It was a big scare for South Canterbury then and would be worse now.
CWD Chronic wasting disease what they have in the USA for deer is scary and shows what happens if a prion disease get out into the wild
"Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prion disease that affects deer, elk, reindeer, sika deer and moose. It has been found in some areas of North America, including Canada and the United States, Norway and South Korea."
Wouldn't it be convenient on many fronts for certain members of our society if this got into NZ. If a couple farmers were able to rock into NZ with the Calicivirus in their backpacks then it wouldn't be that difficult for some militant environmentalists (Geoff Reid springs to mind..) to do the same...
We have managed to keep it out for....forever. so yes, if it rocks up now it would look mighty suspicious from my perspective.
I used to travel quite a bit, and EVERY time I came back into country, there's customs officers engaging with clowns that have their entire suitcases full of food shit from overseas. Just turn the fuckers around and send them back to where they came from. No ifs no buts. They'll soon get the message. If it gets in, accidentally or intentionally the losses from the last 2 years' farce will look like small change.
In U.K. they did'nt cull all the deer but effectively did so to many farms and farmers. It affected farm subsidy costs and the marketing balances nationally and internationally. Yes; it is concering on many levels.
Please forgive my cynicism here, but F&M encounters/scares/incidents are fairly routine at the border; they tend to get publicized when there is a need to obfuscate and hide some other unpleasant news - last time this happened was during the Helen Clarke years....(the current politicians have been spoilt lately with Covid - guess the shine is wearing off Covid as a distraction....)
I'm not downplaying F&M at all - it would decimate our biggest export earners overnight, but there's a nagging feeling that the latest "scare" is being used cynically.
The importation of many tonnes of uncooked pork into NZ is our greatest F&M risk. Have to agree with posted sentiments re people bringing in food items. I would take it a step further and forfeit their entire luggage - Caught with undeclared food = all luggage burnt
Considering how many deer opportunistically graze on farmland/paddocks in the UK, I find this to be evidence of how futile thier imposed culls were...
The culls got rid of a lot of farm subsidy payments----
We have a decent concentration of deer, pigs and way too many goats in our region... I tend to think if FnM got in to those populations, it would never be eradicated...
You can bring it in on your shoes as well so not just in food products. It would be the end of the export meat industry.
Common Sense would indicate absolutely every one should be walking thru a footbath full of nasty FnM killing liquid, NO EXCEPTIONS for anyone one including Airport Staff.
Along with the banning of food thing hopefully it would be kept out mind you I guess its a virus/diesease just like Covid so most likely it will be the same with beuracratic bumbling everywhere...........................
I was told yesterday that a lot of the newly created Customs roles that came about due to Covid, are due to have contracts expire in September. Coincidence maybe ?
The greater risk, being that of legally imported pork product would still remain. It would be possible for a shipment to be declared disease free but for it to contain product from stock slaughtered at the very beginning of an outbreak in the country of origin when the outbreak was perhaps only five cases
Threats like F&M, and others for me draw into sharp relief things like our enthusiasm for having direct international flights to regional airports in NZ....and I don't like it. At least those arriving into Auckland have a 'moat' of urban/industrial development around the airport....nothwithstanding the proximity of Pukekohe.
If you can sell horse meat into the UK which was labelled as beef you gotta wonder what they are prepared to do to the pig meat... Why the hell we import pork into NZ is beyond me esp when the govt are looking at lifting our animal welfare standards in the pork industry and yet the overseas standards are lower than what we currently have.
Yes the risk to NZ from FMD isn’t new. A bigger worry for the Aussies with an outbreak of it on their back doorstep in Bali, there are plenty of illegal fishing boats in WA and NT waters and they occasionally make land fall. One contaminated bit of meat left behind, wild pig eats it and off we go.
And pigs are the worst species for multiplying the virus and spreading it with more blisters contains virus- if it got here the forest would be nuked green
In this age of craziness, bioterrorism of Aussie or NZ with FMD must be a real concern.
This is a threat that the media can’t actually overstate.
A mate of mine used to work for MAF. Being ex mil he used to run TEWTS for them around possible F&M outbreaks here. In essence a desk based tactical exercise running through possible scenarios and looking at what responses were required, figuring out the logistics, management of borders, culling,compensation, short to medium term economic damage etc etc. The numbers were staggering, would make what these clowns have spent on the flu look like small change.
The Aussies are starting to get serious. Good on them. Shoulda fined him AND spun him around immediately and sent him back.