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Thread: Game Animal Council (GAC) to be scrapped by Conservation Minister?

  1. #61
    Member keneff's Avatar
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    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon Gibson View Post
    Looks like Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage is going all out to stuff New Zealand hunting as fast as she can. Never have I felt such utter disgust for this lot in parliament at present.


    Thanks Rushy, link was corrupted, try this one
    Well, they ARE Socialists. They have a deep-seated need to tell everyone how to live their lives, and control everyone, and that thing Eugenie Sage is a "green" thing.
    Used to be a fine wine - now I'm vinegar.

  2. #62
    Join Date
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    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by berg243 View Post
    maybe not a hunting license but a membership fee instead to gac or nzda
    There needs to be compulsion to join so that every hunter is counted as a member and contributes in my opinion.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    If the Conservation Manager is axeing the GAC why would DOC have a very large advertisement on the back page of todays Otago Daily Times newspaper calling for nominations from interested parties for 5 positions on the GAC?
    Something doesn't make sense to me.
    Woody likes this.

  4. #64
    Bah, humbug ! Frogfeatures's Avatar
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    Auckland, until I can escape south....to Southland.
    Quote Originally Posted by Barrel View Post
    If the Conservation Manager is axeing the GAC why would DOC have a very large advertisement on the back page of todays Otago Daily Times newspaper calling for nominations from interested parties for 5 positions on the GAC?
    Something doesn't make sense to me.
    Left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing ?
    Typical bureaucracy !
    GravelBen and Boaraxa like this.
    He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.

    You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
    Sounds like a typical hunting trip !

  5. #65
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Frogfeatures View Post
    Left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing ?
    Typical bureaucracy !
    Or they havnt actually axed the gac, and are just reviewing it. Decimate cause for concern but also a bit of a case of jumping to conclusions

  6. #66
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    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    well the greenies should go talk to some of the polis involved in the great Canada goose massacre of a few years ago and take serious heed of the consequences.
    to refresh nats were in -kate wilkinson was mummy conservation ,and david carter was min ag.
    Wiilkinson in response to a very vocal minority group within FF,strips F&Gof powers to control canada geese-turns this over to D,,,O...C(anyone sense the mother of all fuckups imminent.
    so a grandiose plan is hatched to cull approx33%of estimated SI candas population by a dept with a senior manager in CHCH told me personally that despite having monitoring teams at ellesmere ,they in fact had no idea of the numbers of ducks geese swans etc on ellesmere and certainly never knew of ellesmeres thriving feral goose population!
    meanwhile our poli pair punch &judy set up a sop fund of $100,000.00 to carry out the massacre after katey matey potatey repeatedly told F&G there was no money available to assist with their own ongoing efforts to cull as a means of controlling numbers and in a TV interview with Rob Cope williams on CTV insisted existing law gave farmers ample means to sort out geese infestations so massacres&poisoning were off the menu finito.
    interested parties including rec shooters under the so called lanauaze group aka NZGBHA requested a joint plan be deveolped to sort the issue effectively,and the apparent decision was taken for this to occur.
    FUCK ME RIGID-Iget a call from a wee TV3 reporter ?did i know about a massacre of geese on lake Ellesmere-Oh shit yes it had happened in a style genghis kahna would have drooled over.lakes up &down the SI with exception of westcoast got hammered ,dead and dying birds everywhere.
    lanauze &a film crew videoed the carnage on Ellesmere before a mysterious fleet of jetboat mounted persons made a very hurried attempt to get rid of the evidence.,and much the same occured elsewhere including in very close proximity to SHW73.
    a membewr of this forum ,erstwhile sparring partner of mine ,raxcted like a PMT riddled rotweiller and marched into the nga mihii rd DOC HQ in CHCH demanding answers .
    oh the authorising manager was on ''unspecified leave"....but .....in a stroke of karma matey brae gets given a copy of the bloody authorising documents!
    youd be very suprised at some of the two faced antics of some of the main players!
    however sequeale
    wilkinson after being rarked up bigtime walks the plank -the geese whilst shattered root their way to recovery and become more fucking paranoid than ever ,carter lumbers on to be speaker of the house -DOC denied the $100,000.00 gift ,but then reversed their denial ,qualifying this with we dont know how it was spent or if any was spent and it all subsided back into so called normality!
    I recently had a chat with a very senior DOC manager on the coast and we in the course ot talking gamebirds broached this
    K dont remind me of that fuck up ....its still a bloody embarrasment..a lot of heads should have rolled.
    what was interesting was Westcoast F&G refused to cooperateand NOcanadas were culled over there .4birds were found dead on lake hochstetterand the F&G manager on the warpath warned if any evidence was found linking it to the aforementioned the perpetrators would be nailed!
    a westcoast chopper operator apparently put word about but was warned off.
    maybe the coasters aint ever forgotten DOCs other great fuckup-Cave Creek.pity the 4 eyed git little didnt demand Sage reopen an enquiry into that tragedy.
    lets face it guys DOCwith all their tertiary trained computer infested hirsuite roman sandal wearing tree huggers and shiny arsed fat bellied Biro pushers are a fucking laugh.
    do not get me wrong -there are some great individuals working for that firm-ive met a few and have no truck with them,but overallthis simplistic fascination with 1080asa miracle cure is like a baby eating its own crap..bad taste allround!

    as for eugenie sage &co flakier than a packet of parkdrive tobacco,couldnt lie straight in bed ,let alone when facing a voter,and a product of a rampant softcock PC world.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Brilliant post.

  8. #68
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by turtle View Post
    I think he feels quite strong about this issue
    you think good sir ,hark you are a master of the understatement.I intensely dislike govt depts that exist to pontificate to and about the conservation estate to its owners (the taxpayer ,all because a minority pressure group with delusional grandiose agendas insists all is done its way.
    this modus operandi ,did not swork with red deer ,through cullers helicopter shooting etcetc ,it aint working with the spitting stinking imported aussie furball (AKA jacko) but its byproduct is the inherent slaughter of other bloody wildlife just wanting to keep on keepin on.
    fuck climate change -il lbe long gone and melted down when that shit occurs (if it does),and last but not least since when does a frigging teriary education overrule a lifetime of commonsense/knowledge gained by frontline service.
    last but not least and thank you jacinda youve frozen the fat bonuses and pay increases for these shinyarsed biro pushers in the interim pity ya couldnt do the same to the polis/SABP fuckups occurring with monotonous regularity.
    Woody likes this.

  9. #69
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    So Kotuku, what the great White heron sees is that the people who seek to become senior civil servants and polis are not of the practical disposition but rely on reports prepared by 'qualified' underlings behind which they can hide and blame when a decision 'pear shaped' goes.
    What legal means do we have to influence the polis then ??? without copying Don Vito Corleone

  10. #70
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Moa Hunter View Post
    So Kotuku, what the great White heron sees is that the people who seek to become senior civil servants and polis are not of the practical disposition but rely on reports prepared by 'qualified' underlings behind which they can hide and blame when a decision 'pear shaped' goes.
    What legal means do we have to influence the polis then ??? without copying Don Vito Corleone
    presuming this is not a pisstake directed at me old chap i'llgive you an answer in one word .....VOTE..yours to be exact .If some spotty wee smurf or arthur comes to you in election year promising the earth if youll vote for them or their "outfit",be very aware chances are they'll end up in paraliment ,on a fat salary +perks paid by yours truly ,to warm a seat and be a yes man ,unless of course they display extremely ingratiating/criminal /politically correct (in a nutshell aussie type poli behaviours) traits topped of by a socialist adoration of mediocrity.
    allow me a couple of indulgences old chap as i reach the end of nigh on 5decades of nursing and facing the pension next year,so here goes
    and last but not least

    imassured by a mate who roamed the beehive for a few years ,that the pom comedy yes minister was uncannily accurate!

    and for your information my moniker kotuku is dedicated to my great great grandfather the first white settler in that area of the westcoast .in fact he didnt just live there he at one stage owned the whole bloody area
    WallyR and rewa like this.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    presuming this is not a pisstake directed at me old chap i'llgive you an answer in one word .....VOTE..yours to be exact .If some spotty wee smurf or arthur comes to you in election year promising the earth if youll vote for them or their "outfit",be very aware chances are they'll end up in paraliment ,on a fat salary +perks paid by yours truly ,to warm a seat and be a yes man ,unless of course they display extremely ingratiating/criminal /politically correct (in a nutshell aussie type poli behaviours) traits topped of by a socialist adoration of mediocrity.
    allow me a couple of indulgences old chap as i reach the end of nigh on 5decades of nursing and facing the pension next year,so here goes
    and last but not least

    imassured by a mate who roamed the beehive for a few years ,that the pom comedy yes minister was uncannily accurate!

    and for your information my moniker kotuku is dedicated to my great great grandfather the first white settler in that area of the westcoast .in fact he didnt just live there he at one stage owned the whole bloody area
    You can keep all your own urine thanks, I meant to extract not a drop and I certainly don't want yours down my leg (no offence) I did vote for Peter Dunn couple of elections back when he promised that if elected he would bring a Bill before the house to create the GAC. Must admit that I was personally disappointed that the United Future vote did not increase greatly, leaving me to conclude that most hunters a) didn't care b) were happy with zero influence on their sport. Anyway Peter was good for his word and did bring in the GAC as part of the UF confidence and supply agreement.
    The more important matter than all these 'pissing into the wind' rants is: What are the solutions ??? At present we have no united voice and are, to use the colloquial 'Farting against Thunder' !!! How about a bit of Focus like a Kotuku lining up on a Kokopu ???

  12. #72
    sneakywaza I got
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by FRST View Post
    My personal view is that Hunters should join NZDA. They can never be disposed of by Govt, and if you read their code of ethics on what they stand for you will see they line up with majority of our views.


    Although I have disagreed with several of the comments made by the previous Nat. president in the past, instead of continuing to complain I've actually got involved instead. First with Wellington Branch, then the NZDA Heritage Trust and now as Lower North Island delegate on the National executive. The NZDA do a huge amount of lobbying behind the scenes but have struggled to get that message out to their members and hunters, so most people believe they do very little, when that is not true. They are hoping to turn that around.

    The old bumper sticker comes to mind "Over 200,000 Kiwis Hunt, Fish and Vote". If we could all come together under the one banner then we'd be taken a lot more seriously by Govt with those kind of numbers. The NRA in the US comes to mind- if they don't want something to happen, it usually doesn't.

    Then I believe a hunting license would not be necessary. We already pay taxes and we already pay to go into ballots. Our collective voice and voting power at election time could sort-out getting our game animals off the "pest" list and more herds of special interests could be created. The FWF has shown the way with their excellent herd management.

    A good example of the influence we could have, was the recent social media back-lash against the proposed Arms Act changes by Police. The Firearms community got in the ear of a lot of politicians and got those changes marginalized.

    It will always be a constant battle, but if we put the squabbling/egos aside and came together then we would be a lot more effective.

    One of the ideas I'm thinking of proposing is that the NZDA makes a special low-cost membership option (and then ran an effective marketing plan to promote it) so that our "voice" would go from the current approx 8000 members to far more. It would be good to hear your thoughts on this.

    Hey Tim,

    Sounds good, but....... Fucked if I am joining Deerstalkers down here, fuckers want to charge MORE! than the regular member annual fee to join, they ( Canterbury Deerstalkers Association) clearly consider new members an embuggerance and have no interest in encouraging new membership.

    I have debated this with them and they couldn't care less about increasing membership.

    Maybe you could have a word..........

  13. #73
    Join Date
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    Middle Earth
    Maybe join another branch for a year and change to them a year later? Would that work?

  14. #74
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Moa Hunter View Post
    You can keep all your own urine thanks, I meant to extract not a drop and I certainly don't want yours down my leg (no offence) I did vote for Peter Dunn couple of elections back when he promised that if elected he would bring a Bill before the house to create the GAC. Must admit that I was personally disappointed that the United Future vote did not increase greatly, leaving me to conclude that most hunters a) didn't care b) were happy with zero influence on their sport. Anyway Peter was good for his word and did bring in the GAC as part of the UF confidence and supply agreement.
    The more important matter than all these 'pissing into the wind' rants is: What are the solutions ??? At present we have no united voice and are, to use the colloquial 'Farting against Thunder' !!! How about a bit of Focus like a Kotuku lining up on a Kokopu ???
    feel free big fella you go for it if thats your gig .
    me i sit back observe (as a nurse of 47yrs ive got as tad of expertise)and i realised years ago that the more humans try to make rules for every bloody situation in their lives the more foolish they look!
    to wit -politicians in general are well paid fools!
    I deal in what made IBM and humans a thing called a brain and looked how both have fucked planet earth.
    to quote a late medical superintendent of mine in the early 70s

    "until such time as level headed men can sit at a table in mutual respect and act as such no human problems will ever be solved ".
    i went to school withPeter Dunne ,David Carter , both astute debaters ,quick of wit ,hence lost in the myriad of mediocrity which passes for government.
    Gerry Brownleee i know as his ancestral homeland is the west coast,his whanau base not 5km from mine so when its name dropping Im as good as any!
    in short i dont have any answers and even if i did youd betyour camo g string higher ups with personalised agendas or craven to vested interests would wipe their arses with my ideas. however let me assure you if .thats if i do get the bit between my teeth let no bastard stand in front cause ill roll right over the top as a few polis have found out over the years,and a few other self entitled bastards to boot.anyhow spent today with the drainlayers as our new home arises and ive just landed me another job so in short im as happy as a pig in shit! capiche
    WallyR likes this.

  15. #75
    Member doinit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    Brilliant post.
    This chap is way beyond f****n brilliant mate,way beyond
    Woody likes this.



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