These cameras are getting taken from the Kawekas , some photos have been taken of who they are ,when we get more details we will let the forum know
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These cameras are getting taken from the Kawekas , some photos have been taken of who they are ,when we get more details we will let the forum know
Ive had a heap stolen, pisses ya off. Different area
Post the pics up, its public land, just title it -people that may be lost-need to check on there welfare
We have had one taken from the forest, I would assume it was some one that did not want to be seen, this camera was put on a tree just like I assume most do in the bush setting up on wallows etc
I hide mine, bury them etc, or place up high out of eye line of sight
I also paint them the same colour as the surrounds' they will be used in, I have one all glued up with Toi toi
We needed to catch someone in a high risk area ( very public and high risk of being stolen) so we triangulated 3 all together so they all looked at the others, worked well and gave piece of mind
Up high
Attachment 22142
Hidden, but wind blew leaves over lens
Attachment 22143
Down low on ground
Attachment 22144
These pics are not the best, I have chosen them on purpose so to not identifie the people, other than the blacked out job they are not poaching, just lost maybe
Pics get better and clearer, but you get the idea
Hide your cameras guys
Here's an idea ... Mount a camera -very well camouflaged - overlooking another camera ...
"Blacked out"...I thought for a moment you had snapped sasquatch
The risk you run with that is you get one pinched you could get them all pinched if someone has a good look around
I have lock boxes and python cables with mine.
Never been tampered with as still in the box 18 months later hahaha