I stumbled over this youtubie last night. Good video of some ladies doing the hard yards up in the high country knocking over some Chamois, well worth viewing in my opinion.
NZ needs more people like this!
I stumbled over this youtubie last night. Good video of some ladies doing the hard yards up in the high country knocking over some Chamois, well worth viewing in my opinion.
NZ needs more people like this!
Oh My, Oh My Oh My..............Hope still exists for the saving of New Zealand as I knew it.
Outstanding. Thanks for posting that link.
I'd love to show my daughter that video but she's been hounding me to take her out for a chamois for the last month so the last thing I need to do is give her more ammo to hassle me with.
Go the Ladies
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
I'm gonna be the party popper and say that while I found most of that video good and it's awesome to see girls getting out there and doing it, especially by themselves, it was pretty poor form to allow one of them to "have her first go with a rifle" shooting at a live animal on a steep uphill shot from a difficult position. But, we live and we learn I suppose.
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Not a party popper (or pooper) at all Ryan, a valid point IMO. Even for an experienced shooter that is a difficult enough shot in the conditions without a good rest, I was waiting for her to either give herself a good shiner from the scope or a bruise on her shoulder the way she was holding it, but she seemed to have got away with it and is better for the experience no doubt. I wonder if it was the first time with a rifle period, or the first time on a live animal. Anyway, all credit to the girls for getting out there and doing it.![]()
And they use good suppressors, I can only approve;-)
Well you would not believe what happened to me while Tahr hunting . Penthouse Forum
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I watched that vid a few days ago and really enjoyed it. Certainly a different vibe to many "male only" hunting vids. More fun and not as "macho".....
As for the "have her first go with a rifle" that's right; up to a point. But it's no worse than the flood of "long range deer" vids that seem to pop up where they balls up the wind drift etc and miss the deer by a couple of feet. Which means they could just as easily have gut shot it, blown a jaw off etc. I'm not trying to denigrate long range shooting, but putting it into perspective.
I enjoyed the video enough to sub to the channel![]()