No need to apologise for being late thanks Mr Prosser. Never would have been ok.
You got one thing right. 1080 is a industry and is about alot more than just pest control or just a poison. As for a big claim the industry silences the following its not too hard to believe if you open your eyes.
Multitude of scientists.......firstly thats abit of a joke is it not.
Most comments or anything that is said in the main media is from the Governments own scientists or ones that support the 1080 industry. Just the word 1080, or poison is a struggle to be said now days on main stream media. Half the comments from so called experts are saying nothing more than crap that have no evidence that supports it or theres only one side told. Shit, they dont know how many possums there are in round about figures and claims from top scienists that 50 percent of TB invections are caused by possums.
We know thats crap as a example, but these so called scientists are nothing but paid muppets.
Forest and bird......waste of space,they fully support the 1080 ops.Them and FED farmers are big players in the political arena and the Government greases right up their arse/
DOC....Muppets of the government, they do and say as they told. you dont bite the hand that feeds you .
Politicians...Most other parties all support the 1080 industry, bar NZ first and they speak out. 1080 industry is a very big political minefield and im sure any comments are carefully worded and come from the top. no
OSPRI have revised this figure to 44% (Advertising Standards Authority submissions).
Otherwise, all of what you say is conjecture and clap trap. If any of these claims (and the various others that you have made) could be or were to be proven to be true through a court case or the public exposure of facts 1080 would be dead in the water. Why hasn't that happened-or is that part of the conspiracy?
FedFarmers and F&B make us hunters look pathetic when it comes to lobbying. I actually admire them.
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Logic tells me without a huge advance in control/kill/catch/genetic science this ain't going to work, i'm no Einstein, but one of his quotations was "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe" sort of sums it up for me![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
I don't think anyone would disagree with that. R&D is pivotal, and that's why research funding has been tagged as a corner stone for the project. "Current best practice and methodology, plus some-thing else". Hopefully we will soon be at a stage where just one knock down with 1080 will be all that is required, and then followed up with sustainable ground based methods.
And in the longer term no 1080 use at all. I reckon it can happen. But it won't if we all remain up on our hind legs hissing and spitting out anti-everything rhetoric.
Not in my life time!! We have bagged on about 1080 for years and there's been little advance in methodology. I cannot get my brain around the fact we just randomly drop this product all over the country. People kicked up about the planes spraying Auck for fruit fly, it would happen under normal circumstances today, but 1080 really? There has to be some thing better, are we that dumb?
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Well, yeah, we have been that dumb. No one has come up with anything more effective, cost efficient or safer yet - and that's a fact. But with money and research it need not stay like that.
I've got a blood disease that would have killed me 20 years ago, now its managed and I will die with it rather than of it. I have a lot of faith in science.
Thank you for banning Prosser, this site doesn't need to evolve into a NZ First noticeboard.
+1 thanks. That was the slippery slope at FnH, when the politicians showed up
Tahr I live in a similar situation with health and a good doc and science has helped me live a normal life, but of course this science is driven by competition. I think much of that will be shut out by money on offer here, a bit govt tit and the status quo will remain.
I know a guy who developed a head trap, bio degradable, could be sized by animal, dropped from the air, killed by suffocation, non harmful to the environment, humans and non specified animals. Was deemed inhumane to use by DOC (took to long to kill, a matter of minutes.) Was sold to other countries to control snakes.
Boom, cough,cough,cough