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  • 3 Post By Shaun@KUIU
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Thread: Great article on the Benefits of hunting (esp. Africa)- one to show the Anti-hunters

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Great article on the Benefits of hunting (esp. Africa)- one to show the Anti-hunters

    Here's a great article that explains a lot of what hunting brings to places like Africa. Thought I should share this:
    Neal and Brownlee, LLC | Trophy Hunting
    veitnamcam, 199p and Cspence like this.

  2. #2
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    That's one side of the story...

    The other side is not quite as rosy

    Most of these companies and the local guides will want you to believe that the local community benefits, that everything is done in a 100% ethical manner, but unfortunately it is big business, and there is a lot of money involved...
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  3. #3
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    O saw a video that explained it in a similar way and used lions as examples. Pity most of the anti hunting brigade aren't interested in reading.
    Shaun@KUIU likes this.

  4. #4
    ebf is offline
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    One of the few sane pieces I feel seen on the Zim lion thing:

    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  5. #5
    Numzane Spudattack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    That's one side of the story...

    The other side is not quite as rosy

    Most of these companies and the local guides will want you to believe that the local community benefits, that everything is done in a 100% ethical manner, but unfortunately it is big business, and there is a lot of money involved...
    I agree with you EBF, every industry has operators that are shady and corrupt, this is Africa so it is worse than most places on earth for this, but there are the good operators too that benefit the communities and conservation hugely.
    When you look at the total picture the conservation benefits of trophy hunting outweigh the downsides (some dead animals) no matter what the motivation for hunting is.
    Even if the only thing you take into account is the habitat preservation, which would otherwise be used for other farming practices, hunting is still beneficial even before you look at the anti poaching measures and community benefits.

    Let's be honest, it's not going to be banned, a poor country like Zim is not going to reject $40m US a year income.
    "Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."

  6. #6
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    I think, if you can be bothered reading it, you will find this essay an illustration of why it wont matter how many ways we try to explain things, they will never change their minds unless they are forced to by circumstance. Its called the backfire effect. The more you try to reason with, show or argue a point, the more the other side will fall back on their own beliefs that they are right and not wrong. It is worth reading, though it may take a couple goes....

    The Backfire Effect |

  7. #7
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    I think, if you can be bothered reading it, you will find this essay an illustration of why it wont matter how many ways we try to explain things, they will never change their minds unless they are forced to by circumstance. Its called the backfire effect. The more you try to reason with, show or argue a point, the more the other side will fall back on their own beliefs that they are right and not wrong. It is worth reading, though it may take a couple goes....

    The Backfire Effect |
    There Are none so blind as those who cannot see.
    99% of the time they only adopt the anti stance becuse its a group school of thought ,or theyre too lily livered to swim against the current of so called popular opinion.
    I rark em up anyhow just to see the ignoramuses howl.
    Just like I asked the pricks if they'd feel that strongly about the ignorant bitch who sold her 9yr old daughter as a 70yr old kiddie fiddlers trophy for $10-30a time over 5yrs whats more she assisted the prick to ravage the kid&threatened her to keep her quiet.one astonishingly ignorant cow came back and said she couldnt see thepoint and i was waffling .
    at least cecils in no more distress not like this "trophy"
    BTW-it was in auckland and the dirty slag told the judge she was remorseful. nurse or not ,but that gents is the trophy hunting i truly and unabashedly despise!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    had one at work spouting off.Fuck it i fronted her and asked what she knew ,apaert from lions living in zooes ,eating meat ,aznd roaring .I politely offered her Peter H Capsticks two books "death in the long grass"and "death in silent places" as i consider these two to be a great read on the issue.he is one who has been there doon that ,but also had an unabiding love for africa and its vast flora&fauna. nup she wasnt havin a bar of it!



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