It was so good to get back in the bush this week!
At 5am after level 2 begun, I left the Naki and headed for the Ruahines on a solo mission. To my surprise there was only one other car at the carpark and they headed out as I was heading in.
Spent Thursday arvo fumbling round in the bush spooking a couple of animals. Friday morning I had an accidental sleep in, but once I got out there the conditions couldn't have been better, clear skies and a gentle breeze consistently in one direction. After 20mins in the bush I came across these two. The hind must have heard me, she was barking at me constantly for 30 or 40mins, every now and then I'd get a glimpse of them but no shot. Finally after what felt like an eternity, I managed to sneak into position for a shot on the hind. The young one made the mistake of turning back through the tree gap as she was escaping and presented a good shot also.
Wasn't the big stag I had dreamed of but they're going to fill the freezer back up and was pretty special being able to get back into the hills after having to cancel 6 weeks of roar hunting plans.
My legs didn't appreciate the 50kg load on the way out but that's all part of the adventure!
Was pretty hard missing out on the roar this year, but looking forward to making up for it, starting with these 2!
Hope everyone else is getting out and about!