Does anyone rate the grisport full leather hiking boots? Are they durable and comfortable?
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Does anyone rate the grisport full leather hiking boots? Are they durable and comfortable?
They are ok I suppose I had a pair of high leg ones, found the sole a bit slippy and flexible for my liking as a hunting boot. Relegated to work boots but didnt last. Now I buy gronells and am very happy. Pricy though but after a days walking if your feet arent sore its worth it.
On my second pair of full length "Kaikoura" boots. I find them very comfortable and durable. The sizing is rather generous so as was recommended to me by the importer, you'll probably need to go down a size from what you'd normally buy.
I use them for everything... gardening, working around the house and climbing the hills. I need a good chunky sole for the tussocks as much of the hunting around here involves sidling around in and out of guts. These fit the bill nicely.
I didn't wear out the first pair... the stitching on the side started to let go from being cut by sharp rocks.
Pretty certain you wont be disappointed.
Spend your money on something else, comfy as all hell but I've had maybe 5 pairs and none last more than 6 months, the soles keep falling off and the leather behind the toe area wears through.
Maybe they dont like farm use but similar priced boots have lasted 2 years.
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Wow. I've never had those problems... especially not issues withe the sole.
Is that the result of an acidic environment?
@BRADS what boots do you use on the farm now?
I rate Gri sport Hikers as a budget light weight stalking boot. They aren't very waterproof or designed for running around in the rocks chasing Tahr but are fine for general bush hunting.
Thanks for the opinions, I see Kathmandu have a few on sale even some lowa so might just get a pair of those. There are some hunters element ones at outdoor supplies that say they are suitable for intense hunting and lay ages but might just be out of budget I don’t want to pay like $600 for a pair of boots haha
Several friends have had issues with hunters element boots. If kathmandu have a sale on either their boots or the lowa would be good value just remember cow shit etc is not boot friendly.
Could always buy a pair of gore Tex ones off @Sarvo
I can't rate mine highly enough. They're way better than my Kathmandu ones
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Go have a look at some of the boots at EZ Direct in Taupo.
I've had 2 pairs of GriSport Kawekas. Very comfortable boot at a reasonable price, but depending on the amount of use and how hard you are on gear, longevity could be an issue. Mine lasted just over a year per pair, but that is daily use plus a fair amount of tramping with regular care...
Now I'm trying some Kostyle boots from EZ Direct. Different level of boot altogether. Lot less stitching, rand, re-enforced heel (that's where I wear out mos boots). Will see how these go.