So what are everyone's thoughts on paying to shoot an animal?
I can see both sides of the story...
Plenty out there, don't be a lazy bugger etc
Work too much to get out, time poor with heaps of commitments (kids) etc...
So what are everyone's thoughts on paying to shoot an animal?
I can see both sides of the story...
Plenty out there, don't be a lazy bugger etc
Work too much to get out, time poor with heaps of commitments (kids) etc...
Warm Barrels!
I certainly wouldn't hassle you for it as long as you aren't shooting a farmed jobbie or one tied to a stick. Even teddy Roosevelt didn't do that (hence his name)
I aint one to judge, I cant afford to go out let alone have someone guide me lol.
I have guided Kiwis for all sorts of reasons. Most are/were well off, but busy.
2 of the best clients I have had were kiwis and unfortunately one of the worst was also home grown.
My mate who started me out in this game has guided tons of Kiwis. Quite a few you wouldn't expect. Ones that regularly appear in hunting mags etc.
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Last edited by R93; 05-03-2018 at 08:10 PM.
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
I have a great guy, with his own block, has Fallow coming in from surrounding forest etc.
I pay as I get an overnight in great accomodation. I get “guided”, he glasses the area and has, obviously, great knowledge of his land.
On shooting an animal, he guts it and carry’s it out for me. It’s a great two day break from work, a good road trip and being 69 this year, I ain’t Bush bashing or steep hill climbing any more, my ring prefers to stay intact these days!
Keeps sausages an patties and good steak in the freezer.
Horses for courses and also great for younger guys learning the ropes, oh and I think it’s a cheap option for me and my mate, ywho’s a year older than me!
And it helps a young guy on a small holding with some cash!
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Well I've toyed with the idea of doing a South Africa trip or Rusa in New Cali, still contemplating it?
If I win lotto I'd do a Moose, maybe a bear?
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
I'd pay. Never shot a deer and live in deer-free Northland (please, no mention of a deer seen in such and such far north forest in the mid-90s!). It's a matter of perspective. As a life long angler, I dislike guided fishing and even charter trips. As a beginner, you have to start somewhere. In addition to the actual experience, guided trips speed up the learning process significantly.
No issue with paying from me, Look at all the money we have invested in our gear etc. If you are meat hunting it could be a wise investment, most of us cannot hunt often enough to get good
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
All the social club trips I run are paid hunting.....usually self guided but paying for the access and hut and food....only meat animals we are not rich trophy hunters😉
It's pretty much a must to do this so as to guarantee everyone gets a chance of a shot on a meat animal as most often there are complete hunting virgins along and others who have only ever shot deer on these trips.
I have never bothered to pay for a private property trip myself other than these trips altho I might one day in the future to take me old Dad or young Son out.
I have literally lost count of how many first ever deer shot I have been present for both paid hunting and public land hunting.....that bit never gets old.😎
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Nothing wrong with it at all. Some property owners charge a success fee to help with farm income. Call it what you like, trophy fee or access fee, up to you. Using a guide should simplify the process. Your morals will govern which type of arrangement you take in terms of a fence or free range. I personally don't agree one bit for the fenced optionand I doubt you would either.
I would be keen to do a guided trip one day but I would be wanting to pay for the guide and not the head and definitely not something that is fenced in. I personally have no interest in a trophy and am only after an animal for meat. I am relatively inexperianced as friend got me bit by the hunting bug shortly before buggering off up north so I have had to self learn (around young family commitments) so I would be interested in a guided experiance that I had to work for not a luxury trip. I dont actually know if this sort of deal exists but that is what I would be interested in.